Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who Are You? I AM...

Love is who I am. Love fills my life. Love is everything. It is my truth. Love is what is left when all fears and illusions are dissolved. It’s the essence of all creation. Love is God. God is Love. It is my passion to share this truth and to help others embrace their passion and live the dream. All evil arises out of separation from God/Love. Ultimately we all want to be loved. But, there is no lack of love. There is only the illusion of separation or abandonment. And though the experience of it is awful and very real, the truth is that it is a choice. There are messages everywhere we look urging us to take responsibility for the choices we make. There are also messages pulling you in the direction of fear, doubt, lack. If you experience life as a victim, you are passing up the opportunity to consciously create the life of your dreams. What you feed your soul is key. Positive input and high energy thoughts will produce positive output and desired outcome. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". We already are everything that we seek to be. It is your attitude and state of being that determines who you become, along with the thoughts, words, and actions you choose. If you know without a doubt who you are and who you wish to become, nobody can stop you. The roadblocks and challenges are there to make you stronger, not break you. It is what separates the people who live their dreams from those who make excuses not to. If you arm yourself with confidence, determination, and an undying faith or knowing that you are becoming that which you were created to be, you will. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all alone. God is on your side. God dreamt the dream for you and has given you the manual. With your complete surrender and cooperation, God will work behind the scenes to bring everything together to perfectly coincide…hence, all the coincidences when you are in the flow. He will make sure that you are always at the perfect place in perfect time to make the perfect connections. You are already creating, but if you haven’t had an awakening or been reborn, you are doing so unconsciously. Awareness brings light to the situation. If you wish to see different results in your life, you must make changes to who you are being. If you surround yourself with positive people and listen only to positive influences and choose to only allow thoughts and words of empowerment to ooze from you…you will begin to manifest your dream. It is simple. Getting discouraged or giving up will NEVER get you there. Will you choose a life of excuses or will you BELIEVE you are who God says you are and become that which He made you to be? Choose! Then, stick to your choice and be patient. When the challenges arrive, smile wide and have a “bring it on” attitude. Expect to be presented with a sea of opportunities that you will miss if you are too busy worrying, making excuses, quitting, or being scared. You are closer than you think. Make your inner world all about this dream and your outer world will match it. Act as if you already see it manifesting, give thanks, and know it is your reality! Stay fearless!

With Love & Certainty,

Fearless Jenny