Money Resources

Money Affirmation 

"I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis."

-Bob Proctor

Empower Network
Click the picture for more information.

Empower Network is dedicated to empowering as many people as possible through the network, training, products, support, opportunities and the honest and authentic message of hope and freedom that Empower Network offers.
Founded on the idea that individuals can build businesses and have personal lives at the same time, Empower Network believes that individuals can use the struggles, hardships and experiences they've had in life and turn them into their most empowering assets.'

Juice Plus Virtual Franchise
Click the picture for more information.
The Juice Plus+ business offers the ability to build a part-time income while making a difference in the lives of others. With minimal risk and unlimited opportunity, our unique Virtual Franchise business model allows you to seamlessly grow your business around your life.

The $250 System
Click on the picture above FOR MORE INFO.

✔ WATCH THE "SECRET" VIDEO by clicking the pic above for more info✔

My Testimonial:

(This is my personal screenshot. Do not use.)

Facebook Groups Autoposter
Click the picture above to find out more.
$49 one time fee
From all the different posters available, this one stands out as the best right now.
There is also an affiliate program for it.
It's a one time fee, no monthly fees.

I got this from Taylor Conroy and he got it from Peak Potentials Training (T. Harv Eker)...try it and let me know if it changes your life!!!

You can think of each of these areas as jars for your money.......

Necessities 55%:
This is for the musts, Food, Rent, Gas, Car, Insurance, Clothes, and other necessary expenses.

Investments 10%:
This is the jar that will set you free. The ONLY time you ever ever ever spend the money in this jar is when it will make you more money. Real Estate, Stocks, something you will be selling for a return immediately, buying a business, you get the idea.

Education 5%:
Sharpening the saw. Keeping yourself learning and growing is so key. This money is for books, courses, seminars, audio books, an anything that is going to make you a smarter more well equipped person in any area of life.

Long Term 10%:
Here is where you save for stuff like a vacation, a couch, a car, anything big that will take time.

Give 10%:
This to me is the most neglected, but most important jar. To get you have to give, and if you want to make money, you have to give money. Period. This is for bona-fide charity (and you are not a charity, no matter how poor you think you are). This is also the most rewarding jar. Giving this cash will make you feel abundant, fulfilled, and like you are making the world a better place. Nothing will bring money to you faster than showing the universe that you will use it to benefit others.

Play 10%:
Yahoo! Blow this money on whatever the heck you want. You can spend it as soon as you want, or save it up for a cool trip with the boys/girls. This is “YOU” money. Drink it away, take someone on a date, buy crack, use it for a non-essential shopping spree, or simply cash it into loonies and roll around in a bath tub full of them. This is you receiving, and feeling great about treating yourself. For save-aholics, you HAVE to spend this money on yourself. Just like the give jar, you have to keep money circulating and to feel worthy of it to get more. You deserve whatever you spend this money on. Enjoy it ☺

 Napoleon Hill
"Think and Grow Rich"

First Follower: Leadership Lesson