Saturday, December 10, 2011

We Will End World Hunger, period.

We are so used to having such easy access to our food supply, that it's almost impossible for us to imagine not having any food to eat.  Starvation is a reality for many people around the world.  As fortunate as we are, we sometimes forget how influential and meaningful our lives can actually be.  We all make excuses as to why we are putting off the most important work we have here on earth, to give.  We have the potential to truly change the world, for better or worse.  If we choose to make a positive impact on humanity, serve others, spread love, kindness, joy, hope, faith and contribute whatever gift we have been given...we will no doubt about it, make a huge difference not only in the lives of so many others, but in our own.  Most of us haven't received the proper training to get "in the zone" or the right mindset which will allow us to get the results we desire for ourselves and much less for humanity as a whole. 

The problems we face will not go away by themselves, they are there for a reason.  We have been given the opportunity to choose ignorance, to look away and keep letting the distractions entertain us and then as a result be a victim who stays stuck in excuses and never really achieves the full potential. Or, we can choose to take responsibility for our life, and learn as much as we can about who we are and what our true purpose is...and then, break the cycle of meaninglessness.  Ask God to show you all that you need to know to be the fullness and greatness of all that you were created to be.  Open your heart and let Love in.  Stop the judging.  Let go of your obsessions and just let the simplicity of Love, God, Truth, Life, Light, Peace, Joy in.  If you let it in, then that is what will come out of you.  And if you ever thought of yourself as someone who wants to be successful in life and well off and fulfilled and wealthy all is a little secret you may or may not have heard before:  You Get What You Give!  You will never truly know what it is to be rich until you have helped someone else get rich.  You will never truly know what it is to be loved until you have loved someone unconditionally and selflessly.  You will never be truly happy or fulfilled until you have contributed to someone else's well-being; especially true if it's someone that you don't know personally, someone who will never be able to thank you or repay you.  Compassion is  awesome.  No matter what situation you are in, whether life is at a high point or low one for you today, if you take your focus of yourself for a moment and think of those who are really hurting, fighting for their lives, hungry and know that you could be doing something to make life a whole lot better for them...isn't it worth your attention? It is mine.  I am doing something about it and I am sticking to it.  You can too if you want to.  It's important that we spread the awareness and give others the opportunity to do the same.

I can already hear your thoughts..."I don't have time right now, I don't have money right now, I don't have the energy right now, What's in it for me, This is a scam, blah, blah, blah!" Just remember, those are just excuses.  Your thoughts are what has been holding you back in mediocrity.  Those same low energy thoughts have been holding you back from the greatness God has in store for you.  If your thoughts sound like that still and you are still identifying with them, maybe you need to reevaluate yourself.  When you have the heart of God, your heart speaks more like, "How can I serve?"  Once you "GET IT", you will get excited and feel the joy rising every time you open yourself up to the flow of God.  If you allow, God will use you to bless others and then, use others to bless you.  Hence, a new cycle will begin and it will be one of abundance, joy, freedom, enthusiasm.  And the actions you take from the high energy level output coming from this new view on life, will be refreshing, rejuvenating, empowering, fulfilling and contagious.  Isn't it great news that if you want to live an inspired life, meaning let God live through you, you can?!  Jesus left us instruction to do as he did. So, I say it's time we get to it and through our connection with the Almighty God inside each of us, it's time to get in the business of being a miracle maker.  Use your talents, gifts and light to shine and uplift others and you my friend, will know what it means to be fulfilled and overflowing with joy. 

We all have our moments and darkness and circumstances that drain us, but we also have a choice to stay focused and protected with God's armor.  Develop a daily practice of feeding your mind and spirit just as you feed your body and also cleansing your spirit of negativity just as you cleanse your body with a shower.  This will help you stay on track.  Under no circumstances ever are you to quit on it? Never ever give up because if you keep going, you will make it and it will be far greater than you ever imagined. 

If you want to learn more about what I am doing at the moment to feed 104 children every month and cool training that comes along with it, Click Here! 

Thanks for reading.  Now get onboard or get out!

Jennifer O
Fearless Jenny Feeds The Hungry

"If you do something greater than you, God will do something greater for you." -vic