Thursday, January 19, 2012

Remember The Cause

It’s amazing what this world is coming to!!

Honest people forgetting what they’re supposed to do.

It’s like I’m livin’ in a dream with no possibilities

Of waking up to harness my own capabilities

Restricted by the rules…created for the masses

When the people enforcing them are all acting like @sses

And they feel like they don’t have to follow what they’re preaching

Don’t do what I do; yeah that’s what they’re teaching

Revolutions on the tips of our tongues

We’re taking freedoms from the lives of our young

It won’t be long before the damage is done

And we’ll be talking to our daughters and sons

About a time not so distant when we had all these freedoms

We took them for granted

We lost all our chances

No one fought back

We laid on our @sses

Lost in our cable

Food on the table

Blind to the fact

That we are all able

To make a decision

Escape from this prison

All we need now is a dream and a vision

The cost of feeding the world is less than waging war

Yet we prefer to spend money on weapons instead of helping the poor

You can camp out for toys and black Friday sales

But do it at a park and camp out in jail

So what do you do when they're coming for you?

Do you lie on your back or put on your shoes?

Run for the hills deep in the night

be a symbol for truth...a beacon of light!

But it's hard to shine when they cover your ember

while people are chanting the 5th of November

So remember the cause and remember the reasons

fighting for rights should never be treason

I guess its true; everything has its season

but little by little we’re losing our freedoms

You never think it’ll happen to you

cause you're only aware of what you see in the news

look what she did,look what he did

look at those stars adopting these kids

look over here,look over there

Got your attention? Now stay in your chair!

It's easy to distract and they know this for certain

just,pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

I’ve never been one to believe in conspiracies

But we’ve gotten soft with our responsibilities

Of questioning the facts for the sake of our liberties

Instead we get lost in our day to day activities.

They have us believing that we have to change our ways

No longer Merry Christmas,it’s now Happy Holidays

We give a little here and we give a little there

And before we even know it we’ll have nothing left to spare

So what do you do when they’re coming for you?

When morals and values are nothing but abused

It’s time to start a new revolution

where violence and hate is NOT a solution

but what can you do when they allow institutions

to contaminate the world with corporate pollution?

leaders consumed by the price of their greed

while people are hungry and full of disease

we have people accusing the smallest percent

as if that’s gonna make the smallest of dents

global change,it begins with ourselves

stop blaming other people and start with yourself

You have to work hard if you want to succeed

you have to be better,you have to believe

Reap what you sow,expand what you know

on a rolling rock moss never grows

if you’re not moving fast I’ll settle for slow

but never stop moving like water you’ll flow

So take a step back and realize your role

Before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole

Stop blaming others for your lack of ambition

Lets’ start a world with a brand new tradition

One full of honor and moral conviction

And if that’s not enough then heed my prediction

We’re gonna be lost in a world of restrictions

A mass reproduction of global submission

So start with yourself and become the solution

That’s how you start a real revolution

We need to understand our own evolution

Before we give in to the final conclusion

So remember the cause and remember the reasons

But don’t let our freedoms be gone with the season…
 Written by Ruben Echeverry

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