Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Choose Your g/G-o-d

There is something happening. Not just to a specific group of people but to all of mankind. For one, technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. There is a wave of information coming at you via television, internet, smartphones, billboards and radio to name a few mediums. Most of the advertisements we hear and see on a daily basis are geared towards selling us a story. The story of who we need to be. Without even realizing it, we are becoming that which we are told to become. Sure, you have freedom and free will. You can make a choice. I'm just saying that our choices are highly influenced by the input we choose to identify with. The media is excellent at telling you who you should be, what you should eat, drink, wear, what you should smell like, who you should look like, what you should watch, what you should wipe your behind with, what products you should clean with, bathe with, etc. They are telling us who to idolize and what to worship. We are giving up our time, our privacy, and our dollars to belong. People are working hard to spend that cash on their addictions...and there are so many. Maybe you trade your precious moments to get pleasure out of seeing the available balance on your bank account growing, or maybe it's travel or leisure you are living and working for. Perhaps, it's sex, shopping or even gambling. We are all addicts, not just the obvious alcoholic. And if you haven't noticed by now, the most profitable one of all, there is an enormous campaign for the ever growing medicating population. Let me elaborate. Isn't every other commercial on TV a pharmaceutical ad. Aren't you being bombarded with drugs everywhere? The prescription drug industry is rapidly getting people hooked and cashing in on disease. Yes, it's pretty disgusting and no, it's not conspiracy theory crazy talk. Do you really think that if the focus was on improving your health and well being they would make that much money? And trust me, you cannot even begin to imagine the money that is being made by keeping you on the drugs. It is a business focused on profit. And just like the cigarette and alcohol business, the bait they use to hook you is not going to have a full disclaimer and proper warning. Think about it, a drug dealer won't give you this disclaimer, nor will any other source of temporary pleasure or relief from pain:

The high that this drug/product will produce is going to be very temporary and is going to leave you wanting more. Also, when the temporary high wears off, you will feel like shit. The hangover is not the worst part, you are actually poisoning yourself with toxins that have a long-term affect on your body, not to mention the detrimental effects it has on your family. Basically, you are killing yourself. You are no different from the guy next door who needed a way out and chose to numb his pain with a gunshot to the head. His method was fast, yours is slower. Drastic as it sounds, you are trading a piece of your soul. Business is business. Don't take it personal but here is the deal, while you are trying to fill a void that cannot be filled with the temporary illusion of healing, ecstasy, happiness, relaxation, get the point, there is actually a perfect drug called Heaven. It is The Real Deal! The amazing fix is eternal, infinite, bottomless, and it just doesn't run out. This drug is also addictive, but it doesn't have any negative side effects. The side effects of this particular high are love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Wait til you hear this, the Dealer for the miracle drug is waiting for YOU to call him up and take him up on his offer. That's right...He knows you and has been living to serve you. All he asks for is that you pass up all those other "deals" and say yes to His. The best part is "You DO NOT Have To Pay The Price" for your pill, no kidding, he already paid for your dose of everlasting joy, Heaven. It gets better! Your cravings for purpose and meaning will be satisfied each time you refer a new friend to claim his/her dose of unconditional LOVE/eternal life/HEAVEN. If you answer YES! to this REAL and AMAZING offer, every breath that you take, every sight that you see, every scent you smell, every touch, every taste, every laugh, every smile, every everything will be new. Faith is the only form of payment. Yes, it may sound strange at first, but stay with me here. The fresh perspective you will need for this transaction is going to blow your mind. The relationship you will have with your dealer is the key. And simply by swallowing this invisible truth, it will be an invitation for His perfection to cover you as insurance.  He will live in your heart and you automatically inherit his Pharmacy. Whoa! I sounds so crazy that a simple choice to believe the words written in the Prescription can do all that. But, the transformation is as real as it gets.  That's why the world is hungry, thirsty and delusional; good-intention-people are believing all the claims of the imitations out there, when there is only one cure for any and every dis-ease or discomfort...
Heaven. Every other product is simply turning your attention outward in search for a solution, when the answer lies's all about a choice that nobody can make for you.  If you were to know this is the truth, then all the other solutions would seem ridiculous to you. It would be crazy not to believe in miracles.

So will you continue to merely survive in the lie "ignorance is bliss"? Or will you be a part of the other movement? The redemption and restoration of souls IS happening now, even though it's NEVER on the evening news. You are forgiven. You are made perfect. You do belong. YOU are the only you. You are worth it. You are Loved for who you are and you can find courage to be your authentic self. Who is that? Who are you? Will you LET GO of who the world tells you to be and LET GOD tell you who you are? In case you didn't know, you are always, shoes, purses, people, places, things, activities. It is your choice...Big G or little g? Your Creator who knows you and Loves you is waiting.  God says "Be Still and Know I Am God".

If you would like to be connected to a Pharmacy that never closes and a Prescription that never fails, I can help you get in touch with your personal Dealer. Contact me at

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