Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Is Faith, Really?

There are so many people experiencing difficult challenges right now. It seems the majority of us are being faced with the kind of situations that require some serious soul-searching. I keep hearing the phrase "these are tough times for everyone" and I feel we are all collectively in a period of drastic change. My current situation is definitely bringing about an amazing shift of focus and great opportunity. My husband recently got laid off from his job. I am a stay-at-home mother of three beautiful children ages 4, 2, & 6 months. We don't have any assets, investments or savings. We are now faced with the challenge of building a business with no money. That is almost a contradiction. Actually, when your life is all about family and your whole heart is full of love and gratitude for the dream having come true, there is no room for complaints or pity. Therefore, one does what one can to continue moving forward. Thank God with faith, nothing is impossible. There have been times in the past when faced with hardship that we made choices we later regretted. When you act out of desperation, the results usually aren't what you might have expected. Sometimes when you know you are doing something "wrong" or something that is not coming from a place of integrity, you tell yourself stories to cover up the truth and mask the feelings of guilt or shame. Those feelings are there for a reason, they are telling you "this is not who you are" and you should listen. Well, this time around things are different. There is no acting out of desperation because there is no desperation. Not because we have a backup plan or a life-saver stashed somewhere but because we have faith. Well, a lot of people say they have faith and I always thought I had faith until I started working on it soul work, personal development or growth. Either way, many books, teleseminars, webinars, webcasts, podcasts and several years later, I came to know the true meaning of faith and the importance of it. If it wasn't for faith, I'd absolutely, no doubt, be going nuts right now. Instead, I am at peace. I am strong. I am healthy. I am smiling. I am actually excited for all the changes happening and simultaneously overjoyed with a sense of knowing that what seems like chaos to the spectator is really the breakthrough we have been hoping for, praying for, desiring... for a while. I would have missed all the little signs and coincidences that are there reassuring us DAILY had I been in a state of worry, fear, doubt, desperation. I would not even know how close we are to that next big moment of wow! or the next connection guaranteeing yet another answered prayer. In the energy of faith and complete surrender, you are in the perfect space for creativity. God will inspire you to make moves you would have never thought of on your own or had the courage or confidence to make without Him. Even though you are a new creation, people that have known you for a long time will probably think you are still operating as you were in the past. Friends and family might initially discourage you or be negative when you are suddenly acting on God-given insight. Do not make the mistake of letting that upset you, steal your joy or lead you astray to build resentment. Remember that they don't know you are letting God run the show, they just know what you have shown them in the past. Also, you never know when God is going to use you to teach someone else a lesson in faith, love or humility. Actually, I invite you to ask God to use you...He will, I promise! When you are allowing life to be lived through you, you are open to new opportunities. You know that every setback is a setup for success. Notice I said "you know" and not just "you think" or "you say"... you KNOW! And you act from that knowing. When your car breaks down and you have to use all the money you made that day which is all the money you have to fix it...don't curse the situation. Know that this too shall pass and then look for the blessing in disguise. In our case, this actually happened to us this week and it led us to make a connection that will take our business to a new level. Also this week, I had my last $10 in my purse, so I thought "this is for food". I ended up at an event where I felt called by the Holy Spirit to give those $10 to a great cause. Family calls and says come over we have food for you. I give the $10 cheerfully, knowing that was God's confirmation and I was doing what I was called to do...and in faith that my seed would be multiplied tenfold. It was a sacrifice. I was hungry and the food trucks were waiting. But, I kept my focus on God. And the following day, was blessed with $100 of gas in my tank. We have these tests of faith happen to us regularly. Okay, DAILY. No joke. But, if we were still in the "poor me :(" mentality... sulking, complaining, thinking "when are we going to get a break?", "It just goes from bad to worse:(", "It's one thing after another:(", we simply would not benefit from the "Bam! another miracle!"phenomenon, we'd miss it every time. Friends, family, strangers even, I KNOW that I will very soon be sharing a beautiful success story with you. I could be setting myself up for ridicule here but...not a chance. That is quite a statement and you might be thinking: I hope she is right or else Yikes! I am certain. I don't claim to know the future or be any better than anyone else. I would really just like to inspire you to join me in this movement of faith if you are awaiting your next big turning point. I know we will be sharing our awesome testimonies soon and reaching many souls.

If you have been resisting a change in your life that is crucial to your development, stop! You are suffering ONLY because you are resisting what is. If you shift your energy to allow the change and tell yourself that the risk of staying the same is greater than that of changing, you will begin to flow with life instead of against it. Don't try to control everything. Let Go and Let God!! Really, trust that He is taking you exactly where you need to go. Believe that He will provide. Have faith that He is going to see you through. KNOW that His will is ultimately for your best. God is good. God is Love. And please make sure that you understand the true meaning of faith and apply it to your life. Do not take a breath without it! Because lack of faith is still faith... in the opposite direction. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen." Jesus says in MATTHEW 9:29 "According to your faith let it be unto you." Remember GALATIANS 6:9 "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Where is your focus? What are you thinking? If your day is dragging and your energy is blah! you might want to shift your attention to higher energy thoughts. You might not even be aware that you are choosing to replay the stream of negative, low energy thoughts that are keeping you from moving forward. See, thoughts become things. Unfortunately, we tend to get that one backwards thinking our current mood is a result of what is happening to us or around us. I want to challenge you to catch yourself each time you blame your emotions or energy level on the weather or on any outer circumstances. Energy flows where attention goes. If it's a dark, stormy day and my thoughts are going "it's such a gloomy, lazy day, how depressing."...I might mistaken those thoughts as my own, or even worse, as the truth. If I am aware that I am not my thoughts, I am the space for those thoughts and have a choice to change them, then I could choose a different thought like "The soothing sound of the rain is so peaceful and serene." I could also think "It feels nice to have a break from the scorching sun and hey, a free car wash is a plus!" The point: it isn't a gloomy day or depressing at all...only your thought of the situation made it seem that way. The interesting thing is, you didn't even come up with that thought. It's in your memory bank, just like all those other sayings you've heard throughout your life. There is an endless stream of thoughts playing all the time. Imagine it's not about the situation at all, it's just you believing you are your thoughts. You aren't! Just like the food that you fuel your body with is important, you've heard I'm sure "you are what you eat". Well, you are what you think. I mean, the thoughts that you identify with are having a direct effect on your experience of the world. In order to take control of your life, you must take control of your thoughts. How do you expect a different result, if you keep sayings things like "with my luck_________ <--(fill in negative blah blah here)? "I can't escape it, one bad thing after another." The way faith works is, the Universe will take this statement and grant it..."your wish is my command." God wants you to seek His Word and see His promises fulfilled in your life. He cannot force it on you though. You have to open your eyes and put your faith into action and He will do His part. Always. If you begin to take control of your thoughts and thank God for all that you have instead of complain for what u don't want, you will have more to be grateful for. Whether you believe life is crappy or wonderful, you are correct. Whether you believe something is possible or impossible, you are correct. If you believe "everything works together for good for those who love God", you will experience that. Doubt, worry, fear, frustration are low-energy emotions (energy in motion) and will keep you stuck experiencing those unwanted situations. If you overcome those fears and negative self-talk with thoughts of faith and certainty in God, your life will flow freely in the direction of your dreams. Be responsible for your thoughts. When you get it, you act authentically out of love and faith. People and life become friendly. Even those who curse you or have hurt you in the past, won't faze you. You will understand that they don't know what they are doing. They are still stuck in the negatives, the same cycle you were in, maybe to a different degree. But, you will have compassion for them as Jesus did for those who crucified Him. Bless your enemies. Bless your challenges. When things are good, be grateful. When things are not so good, be grateful.

Email for a friendly reminder of how awesome God is or perhaps a fresh perspective when you are feeling stuck in the negatives. Our faith can move mountains and obstacles.

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