Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Way... Love Strong!

If we are going to improve our global situation...

It must begin with a choice to love strong.

The revolution or the awakening is an internal job.  It all starts in the heart.  Yours and mine.  We need to turn up the dial and increase in our intention to love strong.
We’ve heard it over and over again… “Love your neighbor as you love yourself”.  In a nutshell, that’s the message for all… the golden rule… from Jesus himself!
But, if you don’t love yourself… how well are you going to love your neighbor? We need to forgive ourselves and give ourselves the freedom to receive cheerfully all the blessings Life has to offer.
When our friends and family in our inner circle see the shift in us…
Living an inspired life, confident, taking action towards our dreams, genuinely helping others, practicing self-control, kindness…
(and geeZ!!!) just being yourself  and loving life…
Aaaah yes, it’s contagious to love strong... some will catch on!
“We become in our lives what we do with our love.”
It’s amazing how far a simple smile can go…
The same is true for a negative attitude.
You get to choose which person you will be…
The empowering one who chooses to love strong.
Or the energy vampire who is depleting everyone’s joy.
I was at the park by my house on my daily morning walk and I came across a man who was stretching and doing pull-ups on the monkey bars.  I simply walked by him and smiled, said good morning and told him to enjoy the beautiful day.  He later came around to thank me for being kind to him.  I stopped what I was doing and gave him my full attention.  He ended up telling me by the end of the conversation that this was the longest he had spoken to someone, and I mean had an authentic mindful conversation, in almost a decade.
This was a confirmation to me that even when we don’t think we are doing something significant, each act of kindness goes a long way.  That seed of encouragement that I planted in him might  seem to be nothing, but God can stretch that and make it count. It didn’t seem like much but for him it was hope that people still love strong.
Had I been to caught up in my ego… or assumptions… I would have missed this opportunity to impact a life.
The spirit within you is magnetic and can attract the perfect opportunity at any moment.  When it comes to love, there are no limits.
“The difference between good and great is just a little effort.”
If you make a little effort to have some quiet alone time and get your heart centered… connect to God, the Source of all well-being…
You’ll find that just tapping in to that higher state of consciousness… the higher frequency vibration of Love and Light that fills you from within… will help you stay focused and pour out of you throughout your day.
When we feed our spirit well… we can love strong because it flows naturally.
“We love because God first loved us”.
If you let yourself be enveloped in that unconditional pure love and you make a decision to give yourself the gift of living an inspired life

Your greatest joy and fulfillment will be to love strong.

When you are the conduit of that love for others, genuinely giving value with the intention to serve and inspire… your life will be meaningful and your creativity will shine.
Allow yourself to be taken over by the Spirit of Love
Make yourself available to love strong.
That is how we impact lives and empower the world.

"You have made my day today - taken me from a point of totally giving up to pushing on.  I don't believe in random chance in our lives and I believe that I ran into you today, because I needed your encouragement. One day I will repay - trust me."
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Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

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