Monday, October 3, 2011

The 2000+ Year Ancient Secret to Experiencing Ultimate Success & Happiness… (now documented by science) from Jonathan Budd on Vimeo.

Hello friends!  I wanted to share a video I received today from Jonathan Budd on the secret to success and true happiness.  I think Jonathan did a good job in delivering the message from the heart and I appreciate that he takes the time to make these videos. I know a lot of people watched films and read books like "The Secret" and got excited about this topic of manifestation.  You can bet your life that manifestation is more than just positive thinking or wishing.  Actually, there have been many books and films that came before and after "The Secret" which have delivered the message of hope to the people.  Many people read about this topic and completely misunderstand it.  There are some folks that want this to be the quick fix, magic wand, genie in a bottle solution.  Sorry to break it to you, if you haven't figured it out already, there is no such thing!  Others are too busy taking sides and still practicing the ancient art of pride, so prejudice that they won't even listen long enough before they thump the "Satanic" label on it.  Well, I like to decide things for myself and hope that you do too.  I won't tell you what to believe.  Usually, I find that if you are open enough to hear someone out before you judge or label them, you might end up learning something.  There is wisdom in all of us, everyone has something to offer.  If someone is being courageous enough to bring a message forth, especially one that is controversial, it is worth my attention.  If the message doesn't resonate with my inner wisdom, I simply smile and discard it and continue on my journey.  Many times, I am pleasantly surprised.  Sometimes a message is deep and life-changing... other times it's not. 

Anyway, joy is not something you can fake.  Joy comes from within.   Happiness is temporary and can come and go from one moment to the next.  In our journey to building wealth in all areas of life, it all begins with the invisible and later manifests in the physical realm.  Our vision, thoughts, dreams, beliefs, attitudes, faith and the relationship we have with God are the real keys to paradise.  If you read The Bible, in Genesis, which is the beginning, God spoke everything into existence.  He created man in His image and likeness.  We have within us the power to create.  I am not saying that you are God.  I am not God either.  But we are all God's creation, meaning we all came from Him and have that in common.  Yet we each are different and have something unique to share with the world.   When we awaken to the truth of who we are, which is written in The Bible and in nature and in our hearts, then we gain a whole new set of eyes, a renewal of the mind, fresh insight from the Holy Spirit and life becomes awesome and majestic.  We are eternal beings, souls having a human/physical experience not the other way around.  If we want to address any issue in our lives, we must do so first internally.  You can control your views and attitudes and thoughts and reactions, regardless of external circumstances.  Building true wealth is an inside job and everlasting joy is a byproduct of spiritual well being.  Feed your spirit and all other needs will be met.  These are not just words, they are direct instructions and when followed and applied, you will inherit the Kingdom.  See you on the inside!

Joyful to serve,
Jennifer Orellana

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