Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Does It Mean To Be 'Saved'?

I'm sure you've heard that word before. That's one of those words that gets many mixed emotions on the spiritual level.  It's quite the turn off for many but on the other end of the spectrum, it is THE word that best describes some people's perception and experience of life.  So, what does it mean to be "saved"?

This term is used to describe the thing that happens in the Christian faith when you choose to believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and has resurrected so that you could gain entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven and Live with God in Eternity.  In this life, if you say a prayer and believe, you have accepted the gift of God's Grace and forgiveness from all sin and you are therefore "saved" from eternal damnation in hell.  Not all Christians are alike.  Not all churches preach the same messages.  But, for the most part, "born-again-Christians" agree that this is the Truth, the ONLY truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.  It's in the Gospel, the Good News, The Word of God, The Bible's passage John 3:16 states:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

And that's it, there you have it! What more proof could you possibly need? 

Well, from the Christian perspective, it makes perfect sense to think of this salvation in such a matter-of-fact manner.  But, for people who were brought up in other religions, in atheism, in skepticism or whose life experiences have taken them on a path with a different view of life, it isn't truthful or applicable in today's world.  I could go on and on about the specifics of the different schools of thought and world religions and mythologies and the celestial beings.  But, I won't.  Instead, I will just ask some questions and let you come up with your own answers or borrow some from someone else. 

Do the words "salvation", "enlightenment", "liberation", "awakening" all mean the same thing or point to the same concept?

In all the different religions and the great influential teachers that have walked the earth and left us with guidance on how to acquire the Holy Spirit and live with God, were their instructions to be taken as directions to the Promise Land?

And is Heaven only accesible after we die?

Or is a New Heaven and a New Earth possible in our present existence?

Does eternity begin Now in this Timeless Everlasting Moment and continue after the physical body dies?

Are we to worship Jesus only and pre-judge all others without ever giving them a chance to shine their wisdom?

Are we to demand worship for our deity as THE way... or are we to study all the different "ways" and see if all streams lead to the same ocean? 

Is it possible that people are stuck on idolatry rather than taking the path Jesus told us to take?

Since Jesus did things completely different than the church in His day, should we think outside the box as well and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, The Father, and Christ who lives in our heart?

Is it possible that there are other explanations of The Bible that make perfect sense with Jesus' teachings?

Does the 'I am' in "I AM the way, the Truth, the Life..." point to the infinite spiritual being that dwells in each of us when we choose to live connected with God?

Would more people be inspired or turned on to being "saved" if we took into consideration that salvation meant you are getting out of the way and allowing God to take over ...letting go and letting in faith...removing oneself from the system and choosing to reprogram yourself...renewal of the mind...flowing with the stream rather than resisting and swimming against the current?

Thank you for reading :) I certainly love to receive feedback from all walks of life.  I would love to hear what you have to say!

God bless us all....
<3 Jennifer

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