Monday, July 30, 2012

FAQ: Answers to your BIG "futuristic" questions...

Hey! I just wanted to share the Frequently Asked Questions for the Futuristic Marketing program which will be closing it's doors in less than 2 days.  I hardly ever promote something like this, unless I am SURE it is all it's cracked up to be.  I am not into all the hype that a lot of these "online marketers" use to make a sale.  This is different.  How do I know?  I know Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson OVER DELIVER...BIGTIME!  Here is a secret most people don't know, but I have learned from attending their webinars and following their work...they are where they are now (meaning multimillionaires living the lives of their dreams at such young ages from being dead broke just several years back) by serving others, impacting and transforming lives, moving people forward, helping people achieve heights they never imagined click at a time.  Really.  That's all folks!  If you haven't taken the FREE marketing test that shows you where you stand as an online marketer...Do it NOW! Watch ALL the FREE videos they have up on the site because they are taking them down after August 1st.  Take notes, you will learn some valuable information that might make you some money. Seriously, these guys make 8 might want to follow their advice! 

"Futuristic Marketing" FAQ
Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson

With the shutting down of the "futuristic
marketing" program right around the corner,
I wanted to take some time to answer many
of the biggest questions I've received over
the last few days.

Take the time to really READ these answers,
as they will help you make a much more
informed decision before the doors close
for good on August 1st.

I appreciate you a TON, and I'm looking
forward to helping you achieve that next
level of your "money earning" potential.

Here's the answers...

Q.  Can I actually do this if I’m 
    a non-technical person?
A.  This is made for a non-technical
    person.  There will be work
    involved, just as there is for
    the development of any new skill.
    One of the reasons I’m such a fan
    is I believe every single one of
    you can make this work for you.

Q.  Will this be information overload?
A.  If you try to learn it all
    overnight, sure.  But if you
    treat this like I am, as a skill
    that I will develop over several
    weeks and months, then it won’t
    be overload at all.  And we’ll be
    learning together which should make
    it much easier to absorb.

Q.  How much does the product cost?
A.  The product is $495 or 3 payments
    of $195.  It’s a bargain.  For just
    a few pieces of this puzzle, I’ve
    paid much more than that and have
    had to hire employees to figure it
    out for me.  You won’t need the
    employees and the software and
    training is amazing.  They’ve really
    outdone themselves.   
    CLICK HERE to learn more.

Q.  How long will it be available for 
A.  The product is only offered until
    midnight Pacific time on Wednesday,
    August 1st.  Then it will be
    discontinued, so if this is a skill
    you want to develop you’ll need to
    decide pretty fast.

    CLICK HERE to order. 

Q.  Why are you promoting this so
A.  I only promote this hard because I truly
    believe learning how to build an audience
    and providing value to that audience is a
    lifetime skill and one that is perfectly
    suited to the success of your business.
    And this product delivers in a way I’ve
    never seen before.

    It’s really something else.  I believe every
    one of you should participate with me and
    embark on this learning process as we
    become professionals together.  It’s a new
    world my friends.  With it come new

Q.  Where do I go if I have a customer service 
    issue with Futuristic Marketing?
A.  Just go to this link
    and click on “submit a ticket”.  They’ll
    take care of you.

I think that’s it.  I hope it’s been helpful
for you.  If you have any additional questions,
please don’t hesitate to ask.

Yours in Success,
Fearless Jenny

p.s. All these videos will be coming down
on August 1st. If you want to get some of
the very BEST free coaching that's been
released all year, go here now.
Futuristic Marketing

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