Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Moving Forward: What's Stopping You?

you need to hear this...
"There was a fascinating science experiment done on fleas many years ago that is a great example of how people can be tricked into believing they are small limited beings. Fleas have the ability to jump 200 times the size of their body, meaning they can leap about 13 inches into the air. So they took a group of fleas and placed them into a closed jar that was only a few inches tall. Every time the fleas would jump, they'd hit the glass lid with their heads and fall back down to the bottom of the jar. They quickly learned that there was a glass ceiling in their life, and they simply could not jump higher than a few inches. After a few hours they took the fleas out of the jar and placed them on the ground where the fleas continued to jump only a few inches high. They learned that their powers were limited, and believed the glass ceiling was still above their heads." Take the limitless pill

Here's Jonathan to have a real
"heart to heart" with you...watch the latest video!
The Talk

Make sure you can listen carefully. 
For all of us who are at the point of
breaking through the resistance and 
creating a better future...

We'll speak soon.

Yours in Success,
Fearless Jenny

P.S. Tomorrow is the LAST day
futuristic marketing will be available
to the public.  Then it's gone.

There's seriously some of the most
amazing possibilities & value I've
ever seen in a program on the line
here.  If you want to experience
something amazing & go to a whole
new level in your business, click here...
Futuristic Marketing

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