Saturday, July 21, 2012

Time to SHINE!!!

I think this Marianne Williamson quote is like a laser beam, right on point.  It's as if she took the essence of my message and attached the perfect words to represent the truth that rings so loud and clear in my being.  Every time I come across this quote, it's a reminder of the connection we have to each other and to our Creator.  This always reminds me to drop the ego and embrace the magnificence which is alive and well in me and also in you.  God is love and light.  And there is a truth that resides in your heart.  The truth of who you are if you strip away the past, the fears, the insignificant dramas, all of our judgments and shortcomings.  Then, you can see the glory of God's perfection in each unique individual person and in each blade of grass, snowflake, drop of the ocean, etc.  I hope you allow this little signpost to open your heart a little bit more and guide you to yet another adventurous side of you which dares to focus on the pure potential buried inside  asking to be unleashed.  Let yourself get wild, try something new, do a little dance, make a little love know!  I am taking on the challenge as well, taking fearlessness to a whole 'nother level!  Be you, and enjoy being you...if others don't get it, believe me, it doesn't matter.  Free yourself from the prison of having to please others and fit inside their box.  You will discover a miraculous new world without limits, full of joy and enthusiasm.  Laugh out loud for real...your spiritual high will be uplifting.  Even those who look puzzled will be changed for the better.  That kind of joy serves as a reminder of what it was like when we were children, living in the moment, free to just be.  Most of all, it is a reminder of Heaven, the Home we return to when we accept the invitation to remember.  

In Love, Light, & Joy...

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