Friday, August 31, 2012

The Inner Circle Saved His Life

Recently I attended the Empower Network Costa Rica “Masters Retreat“…
…hanging out in an exotic all-inclusive resort in Guanacaste Costa Rica with 100 or so marketing masters from all over the world.
While there, I got to learn some secrets that normally don’t get talked about, connect with our leaders and build a new vision, and hear some incredible success stories.
For example – something I don’t talk about a lot, is a side affect from a mentoring program we have called ‘The Inner Circle‘ where we break down the structure of marketing magic in a way that’s easy to understand…
…as a side affect, I don’t know if you’ve ever had a moment in life where you realize something, make a decision, and have a transformation in your life.
Scott made a decision that literally saved his life. (see exclusive video below)
While David Sharpe was training, Aki Wood pulled me aside, and told me about a guy in the audience (Scott) who LITERALLY said that the Inner Circle saved his life.
I wanted to hear his story, so I brought him down.
He had written his story down on a napkin, and as he talked, he was looking down, visibly shaking
…he shared a story about how he was driving down the road with stolen medical supplies, headed towards his home where he was going to take his own life.
Then all of a sudden, traffic stopped.
Stuck behind a mile of honking cars, Scott realized that he couldn’t kill himself on the freeway, so he turned on an audio training from the Inner Circle, and heard
…that didn’t change his life – it saved it.
What he learned was the secret.
The same secret you can learn.
When you click here.
He turned the medical supplies back in, and made a decision – a new decision – that he was not only worthy of greatness
…that he’s going to take action, now.
As he shared the secret, and how it had saved his life, 100 people rose to their feet, on the ocean side of Costa Rica, roaring with applause…
…not at what they had just learned – at the story of victory from this man – who at the brink of suicide, rose from the ashes – and now…
…you can, too.
Get started now here…
…and start earning 100% commissions today!
…or go here to learn more information.

Please share with your friends if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Learn how to earn 500% commissions
daily with this simple system here!

Enjoy your day! :)

Simple Affiliate Organization Strategy

Do you have a billion affiliate links from different Network Marketing companies, affiliate products, training tools ect. ?
…Well so do I!
That is why I looked for a way to organize this and really make my life easier!
…What I found was: Subdomains
I recently held a webinar with my personal team and when I showed this to them I was shocked at the amount of people that didn’t know about this!
…So I thought of YOU!  Maybe you are reading this blog and don’t know about it!
If I help even 1 person from this blog post I will be happy!
…I hope that is you!
Here is the video walk-through on exactly how to organize your affiliate links
How to Forward Subdomains using Godaddy & Cpanel!
If you enjoyed this tip you will love our team and our masterminds!
Click below to partner up with us on our team!
This is not only a success story, it is about a life that was saved by the major shift in perception that Scott experienced as he listened to one of the inner circle audios.  He was on his way to take his own life and something greater didn’t allow it.  Watch the video!
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Learn how to earn 500% commissions
daily with this simple system here!

:) ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The MORE you enjoy life = The MORE your bank account grows!

One of the many highlights at the recent Empower Network “Masters Retreat” was without a doubt the amazing Catamaran Party.
Here is an exclusive behind the scenes video on the Catamaran sailing the beautiful waters of Costa Rica with the most badass online marketers on planet Earth.

Pretty gangsta huh?
Can you picture yourself partying it up with us at our next retreat?
Our next event is less than 30 days away in San Diego…
…and there will be a private yacht for those who place in the top 25 in our affiliate contest.
The power of events are absolutely life changing.
They are so powerful that Justin Verrengia’s online income literally went from about $10,000 in June to $42,162 in July
…simply because he showed up to our last event “Dont Be A Wussy 2012? in Atlanta.
In the video below are my badass Empower Network teammates…
…Adam Whiting & Mike Hobbs Reveal The Key to Success In Costa Rica

And just a little motivator below… teammate Justin Verrengia’s Empower Network earnings for yesterday :)
He closed the day out with 5 new $25 members, 8 $100 inner circle members (5 new + 3 recurring) = $925 residual income in 24 hours + topped off with a $500 Costa Rica Intensive Mastermind giving me a $1,425 income yesterday just inside Empower Network in 100% commissions. Advice:  GET TO SAN DIEGO, GET TO SAN DIEGO.

Justin Verrengia
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Learn how to earn 500% commissions
daily with this simple system here!

Acting Like Professional In Network Marketing

Have you ever seen those people that join your business, super excited, just got their first signup and they couldn’t be more EXCITED!
Then the next week their top guy quit, they got a few no’s and all of a sudden they are ready to quit!
…It actually happens a lot in our industry. I attribute it to one thing!  They base all their actions off emotion!
That is why I created this video. 
…It explains how to overcome this emotional roller coaster and why a true professional would never get caught up in this mindset!

Here is a testimonial from one of my EZ Money Method teammates, Justin Verrengia. He is a great example of this no quit “Just another day at the office” mindset.  Go Justin! :)
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Learn how to earn 500% commissions
daily with this simple system here!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stay Fearless and Don't Give Up

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

When I have a vision... I don't give up!! Sure, I could have given up on that boy when we were 13 years old and "too young" to be in love. I could have given up on that boy when he broke my heart at 18... I could have listened to my head and never let him back in. He could have given up on me after I left him for his best friend in 2001. I could have given up when we were eating crackers and hot sauce for dinner or when we were sleeping in the hospital waiting room bc we had nowhere else to go. I could have given up when we were drinking charcoal in the ER after too many mushrooms. I could have not gone through with the wedding when the best man, our brother Ati, died of a cocaine overdose the weekend before our wedding and it was us that found him gone. I could have given up and God knows I wanted to when hurricane Wilma decided to interrupt our beach wedding and we had to cancel the island plans and have it in a banquet hall (yuck!)

There are many many times that I could have given up, but the clear vision I had in my heart... of a beautiful family... kept me going. My dream was always alive and even when I felt dead in pain, addiction, shame and fear... I KNEW that I was not created to suffer and die. I may have failed in the mission to save Ati... but his mission was to save me and you and everyone he knew. Towards the end of his life he made it very clear to me that he so desperately wanted to transform the lives of his cousins and friends that had given up hope and were heading nowhere fast. God knows why he went to heaven when he did. We miss him but know he is alive and well.

I am happy to say that my dream family came true ♥ Thank you God for my awesome husband and 3 amazing kids :) My next dream is flourishing beautifully and that is to carry on Ati's mission and help others to leave the bs in the past, be empowered and transform the world. I am so grateful to have found a team of like-minded real people with true stories like mine who are also genuinely interested in helping others create their own success stories. I am thanking God for all He has blessed me with and for giving us all the opportunity to joyfully shine and pave the way for so many more. 

What is it that you think you cannot do? What are the limitations, excuses & fears blocking you right now from taking the next step. You don't have to climb the whole staircase with one huge leap... you do it one step at a time. You do however have to make a decision that you will go all the way. If you have a desire to get to the top, you decide NOW that you will climb. If you keep going, you will make it. If you give up on the way, you won't. If you listen to the excuses, good luck because they are like walls you keep building along the way. But, what happens if you decide you are going to BE the champion you now KNOW that you were born to BE? You will step into your power, you will take THIS and EVERY next step ENTHUSIASTICALLY up those stairs. You will kick staircase ass and you will BE playful and LAUGH up the steps...celebrating the KNOWING, the joy, the freedom of BEING you... fearless... in the moment... Here and Now... and ALWAYS. See you at the tippy top!!! I ♥ U ... yes you!

 Friends....Let me know if you want in. Team Fearless is taking off and YOU too can delete the inner wussy and be a Badass!!!!!!!No more staying stuck in limitations and slavery operations...DREAMS COME TRUE... 

♥ love u guys!

Please share with your friends if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

get more money

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Click Here to be a part of the EMPOWER NETWORK movement!  A home-based business making unlimited money online is a step-by-step game of follow-the-leader.  Join a great team, no BS, real people, follow the game plan, you will win.
(You are closer than you think to creating the life of your dreams)

Get More Money

If you can get more money, will that make you happier?
Money doesn’t bring happiness…neither does being poor.

Happiness, like all emotion, is controlled
by the focus of attention, not money.
Money is an inanimate object, like a hammer.
You can build a fortress with a hammer,
and bash someone’s head in with it, too.
The power is givennot by the hammer,
but by the one who wields it.
A more accurate statement would be:
“Money has absolutely nothing to do
with happiness, or any other emotion
whatsoever – they are unrelated
phenomenon, ”

Get more money, here.

Happiness is a funny phenomenon, too.
I was talking to a religious guy earlier,
about the money thing – and then happiness
came up.
He said something like this:
“Well, maybe Jesus said it’s harder for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle,
because religious people are less likely
to depend on God for happiness.”

Maybe that’s true, but here’s the problem:

Happiness has nothing to do with God.

Now – before you bash the Bible over my
head – I’m not bashing religion there, I’m
just disconnecting non-related phenomenon.
In a similar way to money not buying happiness,
God doesn’t give it, either.
(unless you’re talking about being happy
forever – in which case, maybe you’re right)

However, right now - happiness, or sadness,
has nothing to do with anything other than
the focus of your mind and your biochemistry.
If your mind is constantly focused on stuff that
you don’t have – generally, it will produce
In other words – let’s say that you want $10,000
a month, and you don’t have it.
Instead of focusing on what you DO have, you
focus on what you don’t have.
You focus on the ‘lack’ of money in your bank
account, or whatever.
That’s a formula for not being happy.
However, I can tell you that it’s not the poverty
that brings the unhappiness.
Because I live in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world.
It’s also poor.
Because people here aren’t focused all the time
on the future, they’re focused on what they have
right now.

Whenever your intent is focused on NOW (and

now only) you become happy.

In fact, it’s actually impossible to be dissatisfied
with yourself if your focus is in the moment.
Therefore, a formula for happiness = focus your
energy of intention in the moment, and then – remember
a time you were happy, and what it felt like.
Let’s talk about money, for a second, though.

How do you get more money?

The truth is – you may as well have more, since
it doesn’t have anything to do with how you
feel, or anything other than the fact that you
have it.
(Evil people have been rich – so have incredible
people who give their whole fortune away to the
poor – it’s unrelated to righteousness, or anything
else but the laws of money)
So how do you get more money?

Follow the laws of money.

Just like happiness follows certain laws, so
does getting lots of money.
Lucky for you - it doesn’t matter what your
belief system is, and the proof is that people
of every religious background have gotten
lots, and lots of money.

First, I want you to disconnect getting money
from emotion of any kind.
Money has nothing to do with emotion.

Sometimes, people believe that they’ll get
money if they want it really badly.
The reality is, wanting money badly simply
causes your mind to confirm the fact that you
don’t have any.
The more badly you want to get more money, the harder
you’re going to find it to attract more of it.
Because by the act of wanting it, you’re showing
your unconscious mind that you don’t have enough.
Your unconscious mind will then look for ways to
prove the fact that you don’t have enough.
It will prove it by helping you not get more money.
(read that again)
The reality is – if you want money, the first step
is disconnecting money from emotion.

Think about money like you think about a hammer.
It’s an object - nothing more.
Money is not a human being.
Money is not something to love.
(It’s worthwhile to note that Jesus didn’t say
that money is evil.  He said that ‘the love of
money is the root of all evil.
BIG difference.
Money is not something to love.
Money is also not something to want, or not want.
It’s just there.
Second, there’s only one way I know to get more money.
It’s comprised of two parts:

1.  Have a vehicle that produces lots of money.
A vehicle – like a hammer, needs to be used in
the proper way.
It doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get rich, it just gives
you a vehicle to produce what you want.
Like a job isn’t going to make you rich (ever) neither
will shitty vehicles.
A lot of people in network marketing are driving a
beat up ford truck, and they could be driving a
There’s not a difference in cost – it will cost you
more to drive a shitty vehicle, in this business.
You need a vehicle that can produce what you want.
Here’s the truth:
In this business, we’ve been preaching a ’2-4 year plan’
for 60 years.
And it doesn’t work.
The truth?  People who try and take 2-4 years, end up
taking ‘never’.
Read that again.
It’s not a good model.
It doesn’t work.
2.  Giving creates money.

Now, don’t ask my how this works – I can invent
all kinds of explanations.
I can tell you, for example – that there’s no more
powerfull way to show you unconscious mind that
by giving.
I can also tell you that God multiplies and blesses
The truth?  I don’t know why it works - I just know
that it does.
Giving works – and it doesn’t matter how.
My Dad (and lots of my family) are Mormons.
To this day, my Dad sends me talks from Mormon
folks, because he’s consistent in trying to get me
on board.
(I respect that – and the truth is, I read them, even
though I think most of it is nonsense)
The other day though, he sent me this talk that was
given by a Catholic Priest to a group of Mormons.
I read it, because I always do – and this was fascinating.
See, most people think that rich people are stingy.
They take their info from comic books – like Superman.
The hero is a poor farmer - the villan is a rich businessman.
The truth is, that’s a manifestation of the beliefs of society,
not the reality of how the universe works.

I’ve found rich people to be more giving than the poor,
in every country, society, religious group, and social
circle that I’ve been a part of.
Here’s the interesting part, though:
This talk my Dad sent me (the one by the Catholic guy)
showed something that I’ve always though, but never
could prove:
Rich people start giving BEFORE their money comes.

See, a lot of people look at someone like Bill Gates,
who’s giving a THIRD of his money to charity, and
they criticize – because ‘of course’ he’s given money
away - he’s rich! 
“I’d give money away if I were rich, too!!!”
This study, though, showed that the opposite is true.
It proved, that over a LARGE group of people – that
people who give money away tend to have it come
back to them, at a ratio of something like 39 to 1.
 What I’ve just said doesn’t make sense economically.
 If you give away your fortune – it would seem that
you would have less money, not more.

Isn’t that some shit that the opposite is true?

Rich people give away more money - BEFORE they
are rich.
How does that work?
When you GIVE, and you GIVE, and you GIVE,
I don’t know why – or how, I just know that the tides turn.
How does it work?
Maybe one guy would say that Allah is blessing him,
while a Christian would say that it’s Jesus – and maybe
Jonathan Budd would say it’s ‘The Universe’ and a
hypnotist would say that it’s the collective unconscious.
The truth?
Maybe you know – I sure don’t.
I just know that the more you GIVEthe more you GET.
For example, I had a lot of people question me when
I started a company that was GIVING away 100%
They said:
“How are you making money???”
Like I care.
For me, it wasn’t about making money – it was about
making the average person rich.
It worked.
Here’s the funny thing, though:
Giving AWAY 100% commissions, and doing my best
to HELP people make more money, with less work,
also resulted in me making more money than I’ve ever
made in my life – with less work.
When you give, and give, and give – it comes back.
The universe takes money from the stingy, and gives
it to those who give.
Read that again.
Remember this:
Having money has NOTHING to do with what
you were born with.
It has to do with how much you give.
When I was new – I didn’t have money to give.
So I gave my whole heart and soul.
It came back, 100 fold.
I don’t know.
It’s just the way it is.
The lesson?
Disconnect money from religion.
They have nothing to do with each other.
If that was true – one religion (the right one, whatever
that is, maybe you could tell me) would have ALL
the money.
However, there are rich people in every religion,
even athiests have lots of money.
So disconnect it from religion.
Also, disconnect it from emotion.
Whether you’re happy, or sad has NOTHING to
do with money.
Happiness is an emotion.
So is sadness.
Neither have anything to do with money.
If you want to be happy – smile, focus on the moment,
and remember a time when you were happy.
If you want money, follow the laws of money, and be
a giver.
Give more, and more will come back at you.
It’s just the way it is.
This year, I want to help 10 people make $250,000
a month.
(if you’ve seen it – watch it again – all the way through
this time…)
The truth is, I honestly don’t care if all ten make more money than I do each month.
That’s why I’m rich.
this message  brought to you by:
-David Wood
The Guru Slayer
Please share on twitter or google+ if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

get more money

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Click Here to be a part of the EMPOWER NETWORK movement!  A home-based business making unlimited money online is a step-by-step game of follow-the-leader.  Join a great team, no BS, real people, follow the game plan, you will win.
(You are closer than you think to creating the life of your dreams)