Thursday, August 23, 2012

Live Your Bliss

Do You Believe You Can Live Your Bliss?

How many hearts are consciously beating, dreaming awake, and knowing the meaning of it all?
How many stories are disconnecting the dots, building empires of destruction, and celebrating each loss?
Is individuality is frowned upon?
Do you ever feel like just a pawn…in the game of life… in a world of strife…
Are you a survivor just barely getting by?
Riddle me that and riddle me this:
Will you allow self-imposed limitations to get in the way of your bliss?
If I hang upside down will this frown turn a smile?
If I lift my head will it hit the ground?
What happened to me?  Where am I now?
I know where this is heading and it’s time to turn around.
Why do we do this self-sabotaging thing?
When all you want to do is to live your bliss.
Is it our ego-nature?
Our addiction to storytelling?
That causes so much stress?
What is it that tells us “you cannot live your bliss”?
How do we jump from being so happy to feeling such a mess?
I need a corrective lens to get in the clear.
Lost my higher perspective in the rear view mirror.
I’ve been down this road before.
But, I can’t play the victim anymore.
Elevator, God, lift me up for a better view.
Remind me of the better days ahead
While I shake off the uncertainties I once knew.
Here’s a tip if you want to live your bliss:
live your bliss
Do you believe you can live your bliss?
Repeat after me (believe it and feel it):

I AM seeing through the fog.

I AM radiating light.

I AM contributing to the awakening of the planet.

I AM responsible for the flowering of my dreams.

I KNOW I have the answers.

My map is inside me.

Look within, look within!
Listen to your hearts song.
Keep yourself tuned in
to the One, to the One.
(follow your gut)
Please share on facebook, twitter or pay it forward if you received any value! :)


Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Click Here to be a part of the EMPOWER NETWORK movement!  A home-based business making unlimited money online is a step-by-step game of follow-the-leader.  Join a great team, no BS, real people, follow the game plan, you will win.
(You are closer than you think to creating the life of your dreams)

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