Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stay Fearless and Don't Give Up

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

When I have a vision... I don't give up!! Sure, I could have given up on that boy when we were 13 years old and "too young" to be in love. I could have given up on that boy when he broke my heart at 18... I could have listened to my head and never let him back in. He could have given up on me after I left him for his best friend in 2001. I could have given up when we were eating crackers and hot sauce for dinner or when we were sleeping in the hospital waiting room bc we had nowhere else to go. I could have given up when we were drinking charcoal in the ER after too many mushrooms. I could have not gone through with the wedding when the best man, our brother Ati, died of a cocaine overdose the weekend before our wedding and it was us that found him gone. I could have given up and God knows I wanted to when hurricane Wilma decided to interrupt our beach wedding and we had to cancel the island plans and have it in a banquet hall (yuck!)

There are many many times that I could have given up, but the clear vision I had in my heart... of a beautiful family... kept me going. My dream was always alive and even when I felt dead in pain, addiction, shame and fear... I KNEW that I was not created to suffer and die. I may have failed in the mission to save Ati... but his mission was to save me and you and everyone he knew. Towards the end of his life he made it very clear to me that he so desperately wanted to transform the lives of his cousins and friends that had given up hope and were heading nowhere fast. God knows why he went to heaven when he did. We miss him but know he is alive and well.

I am happy to say that my dream family came true ♥ Thank you God for my awesome husband and 3 amazing kids :) My next dream is flourishing beautifully and that is to carry on Ati's mission and help others to leave the bs in the past, be empowered and transform the world. I am so grateful to have found a team of like-minded real people with true stories like mine who are also genuinely interested in helping others create their own success stories. I am thanking God for all He has blessed me with and for giving us all the opportunity to joyfully shine and pave the way for so many more. 

What is it that you think you cannot do? What are the limitations, excuses & fears blocking you right now from taking the next step. You don't have to climb the whole staircase with one huge leap... you do it one step at a time. You do however have to make a decision that you will go all the way. If you have a desire to get to the top, you decide NOW that you will climb. If you keep going, you will make it. If you give up on the way, you won't. If you listen to the excuses, good luck because they are like walls you keep building along the way. But, what happens if you decide you are going to BE the champion you now KNOW that you were born to BE? You will step into your power, you will take THIS and EVERY next step ENTHUSIASTICALLY up those stairs. You will kick staircase ass and you will BE playful and LAUGH up the steps...celebrating the KNOWING, the joy, the freedom of BEING you... fearless... in the moment... Here and Now... and ALWAYS. See you at the tippy top!!! I ♥ U ... yes you!

 Friends....Let me know if you want in. Team Fearless is taking off and YOU too can delete the inner wussy and be a Badass!!!!!!!No more staying stuck in limitations and slavery operations...DREAMS COME TRUE... 

♥ love u guys!

Please share with your friends if you received any value! :) Thanks!!

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Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Click Here to be a part of the EMPOWER NETWORK movement!  A home-based business making unlimited money online is a step-by-step game of follow-the-leader.  Join a great team, no BS, real people, follow the game plan, you will win.
(You are closer than you think to creating the life of your dreams)

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