Monday, August 13, 2012

Overcome Life's Challenges

Have You Ever...

Said you would NEVER do what that person did...and then life gave you an experience in which you did just that?!
Judged someone for being so wrong and inexcusable, then done something similar but defended your reasons?!
Believed that your way is the right way, everyone should be this way and thought that belief was something to be proud of?
Pointed the finger, blamed another and played the role of victim when you clearly had a choice to react differently?
Loved someone and let your expectations get in the way instead of allowing that individual to share his/her own soul's expression?
Been so caught up and limited in your own experience of life that you forgot you are not the story you tell yourself?
Become so lost in the routine, drama and addictions that you ignored the calling from your soul to wake up and dance?
I HAVE! done all of the above.
If you think you haven't, then you must not be human.
If you KNOW you have, notice the next time you do, and KNOW that you have the power to choose differently.

Watch this video...  lol surprise! awesome!

Change happens from within.

Everyone wants to see changes in the world.
Trying to mask the symptoms won't solve the problems.
You need to dig deeper and fix it at the root.
The problems always seem like they are out there.
It's easy to see faults outside of ourselves.
Something interesting happens when we begin to see the outside as a mirror.
The manifestations we see occuring in the world were created from the collective mindsets, beliefs, thoughts, views of the whole.

If you are here reading this now, it's not by accident.

There is a greater purpose for your life, staying stuck in mental slavery and making excuses is not enough for you.
You were created to live life to the fullest.
You were made in the image of God.
You were given freewill.

A decision to break free

Want to Occupy this or that?
Occupy your spirit!
Be the change.
That's how we change the world.
That is how we SAVE the planet.
One step at a time.
Your faith can move mountains.
Do you believe?
Expect a miracle.
Act like it.
Let go and let God.
If you KNOW it, it's already on it's way.
That's empowering.
That's a whole different energy field than "maybe" or "I'll try".
Taking action from that fearless place within you
Where nothing is impossible
Not knowing how but knowing why
You will overcome the challenges.
Trust that you can get out of your current situation.
Even, if it seems like there is no way out.
A door will open up for you.
Give yourself permission to get excited.
It's all going to be alright.

Please leave a comment and share! :)

You get what you give

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

Enjoy the video!!
PS: Click Here to be a part of the EMPOWER movement! Let's break on through to the other side of fear people...together we can make the world a better place, so why not!!! 

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