Saturday, December 10, 2011

We Will End World Hunger, period.

We are so used to having such easy access to our food supply, that it's almost impossible for us to imagine not having any food to eat.  Starvation is a reality for many people around the world.  As fortunate as we are, we sometimes forget how influential and meaningful our lives can actually be.  We all make excuses as to why we are putting off the most important work we have here on earth, to give.  We have the potential to truly change the world, for better or worse.  If we choose to make a positive impact on humanity, serve others, spread love, kindness, joy, hope, faith and contribute whatever gift we have been given...we will no doubt about it, make a huge difference not only in the lives of so many others, but in our own.  Most of us haven't received the proper training to get "in the zone" or the right mindset which will allow us to get the results we desire for ourselves and much less for humanity as a whole. 

The problems we face will not go away by themselves, they are there for a reason.  We have been given the opportunity to choose ignorance, to look away and keep letting the distractions entertain us and then as a result be a victim who stays stuck in excuses and never really achieves the full potential. Or, we can choose to take responsibility for our life, and learn as much as we can about who we are and what our true purpose is...and then, break the cycle of meaninglessness.  Ask God to show you all that you need to know to be the fullness and greatness of all that you were created to be.  Open your heart and let Love in.  Stop the judging.  Let go of your obsessions and just let the simplicity of Love, God, Truth, Life, Light, Peace, Joy in.  If you let it in, then that is what will come out of you.  And if you ever thought of yourself as someone who wants to be successful in life and well off and fulfilled and wealthy all is a little secret you may or may not have heard before:  You Get What You Give!  You will never truly know what it is to be rich until you have helped someone else get rich.  You will never truly know what it is to be loved until you have loved someone unconditionally and selflessly.  You will never be truly happy or fulfilled until you have contributed to someone else's well-being; especially true if it's someone that you don't know personally, someone who will never be able to thank you or repay you.  Compassion is  awesome.  No matter what situation you are in, whether life is at a high point or low one for you today, if you take your focus of yourself for a moment and think of those who are really hurting, fighting for their lives, hungry and know that you could be doing something to make life a whole lot better for them...isn't it worth your attention? It is mine.  I am doing something about it and I am sticking to it.  You can too if you want to.  It's important that we spread the awareness and give others the opportunity to do the same.

I can already hear your thoughts..."I don't have time right now, I don't have money right now, I don't have the energy right now, What's in it for me, This is a scam, blah, blah, blah!" Just remember, those are just excuses.  Your thoughts are what has been holding you back in mediocrity.  Those same low energy thoughts have been holding you back from the greatness God has in store for you.  If your thoughts sound like that still and you are still identifying with them, maybe you need to reevaluate yourself.  When you have the heart of God, your heart speaks more like, "How can I serve?"  Once you "GET IT", you will get excited and feel the joy rising every time you open yourself up to the flow of God.  If you allow, God will use you to bless others and then, use others to bless you.  Hence, a new cycle will begin and it will be one of abundance, joy, freedom, enthusiasm.  And the actions you take from the high energy level output coming from this new view on life, will be refreshing, rejuvenating, empowering, fulfilling and contagious.  Isn't it great news that if you want to live an inspired life, meaning let God live through you, you can?!  Jesus left us instruction to do as he did. So, I say it's time we get to it and through our connection with the Almighty God inside each of us, it's time to get in the business of being a miracle maker.  Use your talents, gifts and light to shine and uplift others and you my friend, will know what it means to be fulfilled and overflowing with joy. 

We all have our moments and darkness and circumstances that drain us, but we also have a choice to stay focused and protected with God's armor.  Develop a daily practice of feeding your mind and spirit just as you feed your body and also cleansing your spirit of negativity just as you cleanse your body with a shower.  This will help you stay on track.  Under no circumstances ever are you to quit on it? Never ever give up because if you keep going, you will make it and it will be far greater than you ever imagined. 

If you want to learn more about what I am doing at the moment to feed 104 children every month and cool training that comes along with it, Click Here! 

Thanks for reading.  Now get onboard or get out!

Jennifer O
Fearless Jenny Feeds The Hungry

"If you do something greater than you, God will do something greater for you." -vic

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Does It Mean To Be 'Saved'?

I'm sure you've heard that word before. That's one of those words that gets many mixed emotions on the spiritual level.  It's quite the turn off for many but on the other end of the spectrum, it is THE word that best describes some people's perception and experience of life.  So, what does it mean to be "saved"?

This term is used to describe the thing that happens in the Christian faith when you choose to believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and has resurrected so that you could gain entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven and Live with God in Eternity.  In this life, if you say a prayer and believe, you have accepted the gift of God's Grace and forgiveness from all sin and you are therefore "saved" from eternal damnation in hell.  Not all Christians are alike.  Not all churches preach the same messages.  But, for the most part, "born-again-Christians" agree that this is the Truth, the ONLY truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.  It's in the Gospel, the Good News, The Word of God, The Bible's passage John 3:16 states:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

And that's it, there you have it! What more proof could you possibly need? 

Well, from the Christian perspective, it makes perfect sense to think of this salvation in such a matter-of-fact manner.  But, for people who were brought up in other religions, in atheism, in skepticism or whose life experiences have taken them on a path with a different view of life, it isn't truthful or applicable in today's world.  I could go on and on about the specifics of the different schools of thought and world religions and mythologies and the celestial beings.  But, I won't.  Instead, I will just ask some questions and let you come up with your own answers or borrow some from someone else. 

Do the words "salvation", "enlightenment", "liberation", "awakening" all mean the same thing or point to the same concept?

In all the different religions and the great influential teachers that have walked the earth and left us with guidance on how to acquire the Holy Spirit and live with God, were their instructions to be taken as directions to the Promise Land?

And is Heaven only accesible after we die?

Or is a New Heaven and a New Earth possible in our present existence?

Does eternity begin Now in this Timeless Everlasting Moment and continue after the physical body dies?

Are we to worship Jesus only and pre-judge all others without ever giving them a chance to shine their wisdom?

Are we to demand worship for our deity as THE way... or are we to study all the different "ways" and see if all streams lead to the same ocean? 

Is it possible that people are stuck on idolatry rather than taking the path Jesus told us to take?

Since Jesus did things completely different than the church in His day, should we think outside the box as well and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit, The Father, and Christ who lives in our heart?

Is it possible that there are other explanations of The Bible that make perfect sense with Jesus' teachings?

Does the 'I am' in "I AM the way, the Truth, the Life..." point to the infinite spiritual being that dwells in each of us when we choose to live connected with God?

Would more people be inspired or turned on to being "saved" if we took into consideration that salvation meant you are getting out of the way and allowing God to take over ...letting go and letting in faith...removing oneself from the system and choosing to reprogram yourself...renewal of the mind...flowing with the stream rather than resisting and swimming against the current?

Thank you for reading :) I certainly love to receive feedback from all walks of life.  I would love to hear what you have to say!

God bless us all....
<3 Jennifer

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reality or Illusion? A Glimpse of Truth... or Not?


Here is a video designed to get people thinking about the implications of a holographic world and the possibility of mindbending and manifesting.  What?!  I remember the excitement when the movie The Matrix came out in theaters.  Everyone was talking about what a cool movie it was, with such great effects.  When I finally saw the movie, I wasn't too thrilled about the graphics because I was so focused on the message.  The Matrix film was a modern attempt to awaken the mainstream population to a choice that each individual has, whether to take the road of ignorance and merely survive in mediocrity or choose the path of truth and all the responsibility that comes with it.  "To whom much has been given, much will be expected" as Jesus said.  "With great power comes great responsibility" as Spiderman would say. I had already taken the red pill and had been 'reborn'...but I was still just a newbie on my journey.  I had the idea that this message was going to impact people since it was so clear to me, I thought it would be an "Aha!" for others. I waited for the day everyone would catch on and jump in on the movement.  I would even ask people what they thought it was about just to see if they at least grasped some of it, they didn't. Maybe I asked the wrong people. That was a while back and a lot has happened since then.  But, I am always welcoming those questions that lead us to that sacred space within us where we have been given the power of choice... to connect or not to connect with the Divine realm of consciousness and creation. 

Anyway, I got this in my email and I would like to know what you think about this video that I am sharing with you here.  Is it too far out?  Is it garbage? Is it awesome? Why?

Love & Courage!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The 2000+ Year Ancient Secret to Experiencing Ultimate Success & Happiness… (now documented by science) from Jonathan Budd on Vimeo.

Hello friends!  I wanted to share a video I received today from Jonathan Budd on the secret to success and true happiness.  I think Jonathan did a good job in delivering the message from the heart and I appreciate that he takes the time to make these videos. I know a lot of people watched films and read books like "The Secret" and got excited about this topic of manifestation.  You can bet your life that manifestation is more than just positive thinking or wishing.  Actually, there have been many books and films that came before and after "The Secret" which have delivered the message of hope to the people.  Many people read about this topic and completely misunderstand it.  There are some folks that want this to be the quick fix, magic wand, genie in a bottle solution.  Sorry to break it to you, if you haven't figured it out already, there is no such thing!  Others are too busy taking sides and still practicing the ancient art of pride, so prejudice that they won't even listen long enough before they thump the "Satanic" label on it.  Well, I like to decide things for myself and hope that you do too.  I won't tell you what to believe.  Usually, I find that if you are open enough to hear someone out before you judge or label them, you might end up learning something.  There is wisdom in all of us, everyone has something to offer.  If someone is being courageous enough to bring a message forth, especially one that is controversial, it is worth my attention.  If the message doesn't resonate with my inner wisdom, I simply smile and discard it and continue on my journey.  Many times, I am pleasantly surprised.  Sometimes a message is deep and life-changing... other times it's not. 

Anyway, joy is not something you can fake.  Joy comes from within.   Happiness is temporary and can come and go from one moment to the next.  In our journey to building wealth in all areas of life, it all begins with the invisible and later manifests in the physical realm.  Our vision, thoughts, dreams, beliefs, attitudes, faith and the relationship we have with God are the real keys to paradise.  If you read The Bible, in Genesis, which is the beginning, God spoke everything into existence.  He created man in His image and likeness.  We have within us the power to create.  I am not saying that you are God.  I am not God either.  But we are all God's creation, meaning we all came from Him and have that in common.  Yet we each are different and have something unique to share with the world.   When we awaken to the truth of who we are, which is written in The Bible and in nature and in our hearts, then we gain a whole new set of eyes, a renewal of the mind, fresh insight from the Holy Spirit and life becomes awesome and majestic.  We are eternal beings, souls having a human/physical experience not the other way around.  If we want to address any issue in our lives, we must do so first internally.  You can control your views and attitudes and thoughts and reactions, regardless of external circumstances.  Building true wealth is an inside job and everlasting joy is a byproduct of spiritual well being.  Feed your spirit and all other needs will be met.  These are not just words, they are direct instructions and when followed and applied, you will inherit the Kingdom.  See you on the inside!

Joyful to serve,
Jennifer Orellana

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Fresh Perspective

We all face struggles in life, ups and downs, peak experiences and rock bottom ones too. As different as we all are, deep in the core, we all want the same things. We want to be loved, we want more pleasure and less pain. Often, we get so caught up in our differences that we lose sight of our connectedness. As humans we tend to label ourselves and each other so much, as if these mental walls could really separate the whole. Haven't you noticed how convinced we are of the truths we have identified with and chosen to view as absolute?  Sometimes we cut ourselves off from an opportunity when we don't think we can measure up to certain expectations.  Today, I want to encourage you to pay very close attention to the barriers you have set up for yourself which are keeping you from your highest potential.  Trust me, you have them, we all do!  Perhaps there is a gap between you and a loved one that needs attention.  You might secretly be wishing you could reconnect with someone or repair a relationship which has been broken for too long.  Well, if you are reading this, there is opportunity knocking at your door.  A healing is available, a miracle awaits.  

Why can't life just be simple?  Well, it kind of is.  Not that it's easy and you don't have to work at it.  But rather, we tend to complicate ourselves way too much.  A relationship between two people is a partnership and requires attention from both individuals.  Whenever you have two worlds merging into one, it can get messy.  The thing is, we look at the other person and expect to receive value.  Then, when our interpretation of value doesn't line up with theirs, we have conflict.  We have our own ideas of what is "right" or "wrong" and are constantly playing defense. Making our point known becomes like scoring a touchdown.  As we continue building up our list of annoyances, we disconnect more and more each time our "opponent" does it again! We don't realize how much we hurt ourselves when we let all the little offenses build up inside until the bubble bursts.  Then, we begin to question whether or not we are even playing on the same team.  See it starts out small.  One issue, okay maybe a few.  Then it's like too many issues so it must be the person.  Okay wait, it has to be the relationship because we clash way too much.  There is no understanding, compassion, or compatibility for that matter.  What am I doing here?  Sound familiar?  Maybe, it's not your romantic relationship...maybe it's one of your parents, kids, friends, teachers, boss, coworker, client, etc.  Either way, when you have an unresolved conflict, especially if you choose to ignore it or you bury the hurt, you are choosing to accept the stress that comes along with that choice.  Even if you are unaware that you have made a choice to blame the other, or to make an excuse as to why there is no solution, you still suffer the consequences.  You might even resent this person for bringing out the worst in you.  In case you didn't know, these are all toxic energies...poison that you are swallowing in the form of thoughts, mindsets, emotions that drain you of your vital energy and cause disease.

"So what can I do about it?", you ask.  And though each case is different and we are NOT a one size fits all community...we can all start by recognizing that we are all connected.  If you can at least bring awareness to that truth, then you are off to a great start.  So how are we connected and what solution can that possibly have to offer me?  We were all created from the same material, weren't we?  We are all energy.  We are souls expressing God's love...or not.  It is humbling to realign with the basic principles of life. So, in times when you feel you can't humble yourself, I say you focus on that which you have in common to wake up for a moment and drag you back in from ego.  The part of us that feels threatened is the ego.  And since "you cannot solve a problem from the same mind that created it".  I say, get out of your mind!  Get back to your heart and see the situation from a fresh perspective.  I am in no way saying that what the other person has done is acceptable.  I am not saying you should condone abusive behavior or neglect.  I am saying that fighting about it, is not helpful in any way.  Hate, anger, resentment are not to be ignored either.  Burying negative emotions instead of dealing with them is very damaging to your well-being and detrimental to your relationship...especially your relationship with yourself.  I am saying that your best approach is to bring light to the situation.  Feel the emotion fully but don't become it or let it take over and control you.  From a peaceful humble place, you can move forward.  Become the change.  Stop trying to control that which cannot be controlled.  In resisting what is, you create suffering.  In allowing, there is freedom.  What you can control is your reaction.  There is immense power when you are clear with what you want (love, joy, peace, purpose, etc) and then let go of the need to control, get out of the way, leave it to God!  As destructive as some people become when trapped in their minds that they will do anything in their power to defend their position.  This is not the way of a true warrior.  A warrior sees every challenge as a gift or an opportunity to strengthen oneself and the bond he/she has with life and the people in it.  A warrior chooses to live life with purpose choosing love as the map to fulfillment.  In every moment and with every choice, we could either be empowered or be depleted.  With every relationship, we have the opportunity to uplift others by asking ourselves what we could do to serve or asking God to use us.  Of course, if you approach life and relationships with suspicion, as if people are out to get you, then you will miss out on the joy that comes from trusting in God's will.  Unfortunately, you will be a burden instead of a blessing...hey, your choice creates your experience.  

In conclusion, the answer lies within.  The problem you wish to correct on the outside can only begin to be solved by accepting that there is no problem; only our thinking makes it a problem.  If you want to change your experience, you must change your perception of it.  Being responsible for your attitude, which is directly related to your outcome, is the key.  The secret to success is letting go of those habits and thought patterns which take up all your energy and leave you feeling drained and powerless.  STOP blaming others and external circumstances for your internal mess.  If you clean out your spiritual closet, change the internal dialogue and consistently choose to be true to yourself, then you are on the road to success.  If someone or something is dragging you down or keeping you from living your full potential, ask God to give you wisdom to remove all obstacles from your path.  When God speaks, don't doubt, take action.  And NEVER ever give up on up is suicide.  Instead, know that if you surrender your life to God, meaning if you choose to reach your full potential and be who you were created to be, you will be fulfilled beyond your expectations.  It's so worth getting out of your own way.  Bye bye excuses and insecurities....hello infinite possibilities!!!

Cheers to your fearlessness 
& persistence in the dream!
I know you will succeed :)

Fresh & Fearless,
Jennifer O.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wellness Is A State Of Being

People have asked me in the past, how I have lost as much as 50 lbs. at a time. When I have made a commitment to shed the pounds, I haven't done so through any specific diet program. I simply get it done in the mind first and then I make sure to keep vibrating at the "healthy fit lifestyle" energy level. I would say it's mostly my attitude and unwavering faith that get me to that end goal. The weight loss and awesomeness are just byproducts of that state of being.Once I decide to undergo this transformation, it's like in all areas of life, (spiritual, relationship, financial, physical, intellectual), I must first get in the "spirit" of that end goal. How does a healthy and fit person feel, think, speak, act??? I ask God to guide me and make the process effortless and enjoyable. Dare I say, it is almost like tuning in to a specific radio station or TV channel inside me. I just stay focused fully on the end result. I act as if I'm there already. There is no alternative. There are no doubts. It's done. I have accomplished this 3 times already. The first time I lost 50 pounds was before I had children. I only gained the weight back with my pregnancies and lost all of it twice. This time with my third and final pregnancy, I haven't doubted for a minute that it will be the same or an even better result. I felt inspired to document it and share. I am no different from you in the sense that we all have our inner demons attacking our intention. Each time I set forth on the weight loss/fitness journey, I hear all the negative self talk. I have faced challenges, injuries, and setbacks that my inner gremlin loves to throw at me as excuses to quit. But, for me, it's just not an option. I get passionate about this wellness endeavor. I take it on as a fun project. I get filled with enthusiasm and it does become effortless and enjoyable because... I let go and let God. Then, lo and behold! He hooks me up with the most delicious healthy meal inspirations and presents me with several cardio and strengthening activities that are suited to my personality that I end up falling in love with. We are human beings...not human doings. Instead of planning out what you must do to lose the weight...try changing or reprogramming your mind to who you must be. Once you are in the right state of being, expect God to design the perfect plan for you. Allow Him to personally guide your adventure and give you the creativity to choose the right course for you. Then, take action! And keep going no matter what. If you want to change, you must be the change...become it! Never ever give up. You will achieve it, be certain of it!

Most people approach weight loss with fear and loathing. It becomes all about sacrifice and deprivation. With that mentality, you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. As a result, you end up with a twisted perspective and a bunch of lies and excuses about why you are not being the person you desire to be. The insecurities and low self esteem then keep you from achieving other goals and dreams. Don't believe your gremlin. Take back your power. You can do really can!

I will be updating blog with my progress! Email for inspired weight loss coaching...or if you simply need someone to hold you accountable and help you stay on track!

In Fearlessness and Enthusiasm,

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Is Faith, Really?

There are so many people experiencing difficult challenges right now. It seems the majority of us are being faced with the kind of situations that require some serious soul-searching. I keep hearing the phrase "these are tough times for everyone" and I feel we are all collectively in a period of drastic change. My current situation is definitely bringing about an amazing shift of focus and great opportunity. My husband recently got laid off from his job. I am a stay-at-home mother of three beautiful children ages 4, 2, & 6 months. We don't have any assets, investments or savings. We are now faced with the challenge of building a business with no money. That is almost a contradiction. Actually, when your life is all about family and your whole heart is full of love and gratitude for the dream having come true, there is no room for complaints or pity. Therefore, one does what one can to continue moving forward. Thank God with faith, nothing is impossible. There have been times in the past when faced with hardship that we made choices we later regretted. When you act out of desperation, the results usually aren't what you might have expected. Sometimes when you know you are doing something "wrong" or something that is not coming from a place of integrity, you tell yourself stories to cover up the truth and mask the feelings of guilt or shame. Those feelings are there for a reason, they are telling you "this is not who you are" and you should listen. Well, this time around things are different. There is no acting out of desperation because there is no desperation. Not because we have a backup plan or a life-saver stashed somewhere but because we have faith. Well, a lot of people say they have faith and I always thought I had faith until I started working on it soul work, personal development or growth. Either way, many books, teleseminars, webinars, webcasts, podcasts and several years later, I came to know the true meaning of faith and the importance of it. If it wasn't for faith, I'd absolutely, no doubt, be going nuts right now. Instead, I am at peace. I am strong. I am healthy. I am smiling. I am actually excited for all the changes happening and simultaneously overjoyed with a sense of knowing that what seems like chaos to the spectator is really the breakthrough we have been hoping for, praying for, desiring... for a while. I would have missed all the little signs and coincidences that are there reassuring us DAILY had I been in a state of worry, fear, doubt, desperation. I would not even know how close we are to that next big moment of wow! or the next connection guaranteeing yet another answered prayer. In the energy of faith and complete surrender, you are in the perfect space for creativity. God will inspire you to make moves you would have never thought of on your own or had the courage or confidence to make without Him. Even though you are a new creation, people that have known you for a long time will probably think you are still operating as you were in the past. Friends and family might initially discourage you or be negative when you are suddenly acting on God-given insight. Do not make the mistake of letting that upset you, steal your joy or lead you astray to build resentment. Remember that they don't know you are letting God run the show, they just know what you have shown them in the past. Also, you never know when God is going to use you to teach someone else a lesson in faith, love or humility. Actually, I invite you to ask God to use you...He will, I promise! When you are allowing life to be lived through you, you are open to new opportunities. You know that every setback is a setup for success. Notice I said "you know" and not just "you think" or "you say"... you KNOW! And you act from that knowing. When your car breaks down and you have to use all the money you made that day which is all the money you have to fix it...don't curse the situation. Know that this too shall pass and then look for the blessing in disguise. In our case, this actually happened to us this week and it led us to make a connection that will take our business to a new level. Also this week, I had my last $10 in my purse, so I thought "this is for food". I ended up at an event where I felt called by the Holy Spirit to give those $10 to a great cause. Family calls and says come over we have food for you. I give the $10 cheerfully, knowing that was God's confirmation and I was doing what I was called to do...and in faith that my seed would be multiplied tenfold. It was a sacrifice. I was hungry and the food trucks were waiting. But, I kept my focus on God. And the following day, was blessed with $100 of gas in my tank. We have these tests of faith happen to us regularly. Okay, DAILY. No joke. But, if we were still in the "poor me :(" mentality... sulking, complaining, thinking "when are we going to get a break?", "It just goes from bad to worse:(", "It's one thing after another:(", we simply would not benefit from the "Bam! another miracle!"phenomenon, we'd miss it every time. Friends, family, strangers even, I KNOW that I will very soon be sharing a beautiful success story with you. I could be setting myself up for ridicule here but...not a chance. That is quite a statement and you might be thinking: I hope she is right or else Yikes! I am certain. I don't claim to know the future or be any better than anyone else. I would really just like to inspire you to join me in this movement of faith if you are awaiting your next big turning point. I know we will be sharing our awesome testimonies soon and reaching many souls.

If you have been resisting a change in your life that is crucial to your development, stop! You are suffering ONLY because you are resisting what is. If you shift your energy to allow the change and tell yourself that the risk of staying the same is greater than that of changing, you will begin to flow with life instead of against it. Don't try to control everything. Let Go and Let God!! Really, trust that He is taking you exactly where you need to go. Believe that He will provide. Have faith that He is going to see you through. KNOW that His will is ultimately for your best. God is good. God is Love. And please make sure that you understand the true meaning of faith and apply it to your life. Do not take a breath without it! Because lack of faith is still faith... in the opposite direction. Hebrews 11:1 tells us that "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen." Jesus says in MATTHEW 9:29 "According to your faith let it be unto you." Remember GALATIANS 6:9 "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Where is your focus? What are you thinking? If your day is dragging and your energy is blah! you might want to shift your attention to higher energy thoughts. You might not even be aware that you are choosing to replay the stream of negative, low energy thoughts that are keeping you from moving forward. See, thoughts become things. Unfortunately, we tend to get that one backwards thinking our current mood is a result of what is happening to us or around us. I want to challenge you to catch yourself each time you blame your emotions or energy level on the weather or on any outer circumstances. Energy flows where attention goes. If it's a dark, stormy day and my thoughts are going "it's such a gloomy, lazy day, how depressing."...I might mistaken those thoughts as my own, or even worse, as the truth. If I am aware that I am not my thoughts, I am the space for those thoughts and have a choice to change them, then I could choose a different thought like "The soothing sound of the rain is so peaceful and serene." I could also think "It feels nice to have a break from the scorching sun and hey, a free car wash is a plus!" The point: it isn't a gloomy day or depressing at all...only your thought of the situation made it seem that way. The interesting thing is, you didn't even come up with that thought. It's in your memory bank, just like all those other sayings you've heard throughout your life. There is an endless stream of thoughts playing all the time. Imagine it's not about the situation at all, it's just you believing you are your thoughts. You aren't! Just like the food that you fuel your body with is important, you've heard I'm sure "you are what you eat". Well, you are what you think. I mean, the thoughts that you identify with are having a direct effect on your experience of the world. In order to take control of your life, you must take control of your thoughts. How do you expect a different result, if you keep sayings things like "with my luck_________ <--(fill in negative blah blah here)? "I can't escape it, one bad thing after another." The way faith works is, the Universe will take this statement and grant it..."your wish is my command." God wants you to seek His Word and see His promises fulfilled in your life. He cannot force it on you though. You have to open your eyes and put your faith into action and He will do His part. Always. If you begin to take control of your thoughts and thank God for all that you have instead of complain for what u don't want, you will have more to be grateful for. Whether you believe life is crappy or wonderful, you are correct. Whether you believe something is possible or impossible, you are correct. If you believe "everything works together for good for those who love God", you will experience that. Doubt, worry, fear, frustration are low-energy emotions (energy in motion) and will keep you stuck experiencing those unwanted situations. If you overcome those fears and negative self-talk with thoughts of faith and certainty in God, your life will flow freely in the direction of your dreams. Be responsible for your thoughts. When you get it, you act authentically out of love and faith. People and life become friendly. Even those who curse you or have hurt you in the past, won't faze you. You will understand that they don't know what they are doing. They are still stuck in the negatives, the same cycle you were in, maybe to a different degree. But, you will have compassion for them as Jesus did for those who crucified Him. Bless your enemies. Bless your challenges. When things are good, be grateful. When things are not so good, be grateful.

Email for a friendly reminder of how awesome God is or perhaps a fresh perspective when you are feeling stuck in the negatives. Our faith can move mountains and obstacles.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Choose Your g/G-o-d

There is something happening. Not just to a specific group of people but to all of mankind. For one, technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. There is a wave of information coming at you via television, internet, smartphones, billboards and radio to name a few mediums. Most of the advertisements we hear and see on a daily basis are geared towards selling us a story. The story of who we need to be. Without even realizing it, we are becoming that which we are told to become. Sure, you have freedom and free will. You can make a choice. I'm just saying that our choices are highly influenced by the input we choose to identify with. The media is excellent at telling you who you should be, what you should eat, drink, wear, what you should smell like, who you should look like, what you should watch, what you should wipe your behind with, what products you should clean with, bathe with, etc. They are telling us who to idolize and what to worship. We are giving up our time, our privacy, and our dollars to belong. People are working hard to spend that cash on their addictions...and there are so many. Maybe you trade your precious moments to get pleasure out of seeing the available balance on your bank account growing, or maybe it's travel or leisure you are living and working for. Perhaps, it's sex, shopping or even gambling. We are all addicts, not just the obvious alcoholic. And if you haven't noticed by now, the most profitable one of all, there is an enormous campaign for the ever growing medicating population. Let me elaborate. Isn't every other commercial on TV a pharmaceutical ad. Aren't you being bombarded with drugs everywhere? The prescription drug industry is rapidly getting people hooked and cashing in on disease. Yes, it's pretty disgusting and no, it's not conspiracy theory crazy talk. Do you really think that if the focus was on improving your health and well being they would make that much money? And trust me, you cannot even begin to imagine the money that is being made by keeping you on the drugs. It is a business focused on profit. And just like the cigarette and alcohol business, the bait they use to hook you is not going to have a full disclaimer and proper warning. Think about it, a drug dealer won't give you this disclaimer, nor will any other source of temporary pleasure or relief from pain:

The high that this drug/product will produce is going to be very temporary and is going to leave you wanting more. Also, when the temporary high wears off, you will feel like shit. The hangover is not the worst part, you are actually poisoning yourself with toxins that have a long-term affect on your body, not to mention the detrimental effects it has on your family. Basically, you are killing yourself. You are no different from the guy next door who needed a way out and chose to numb his pain with a gunshot to the head. His method was fast, yours is slower. Drastic as it sounds, you are trading a piece of your soul. Business is business. Don't take it personal but here is the deal, while you are trying to fill a void that cannot be filled with the temporary illusion of healing, ecstasy, happiness, relaxation, get the point, there is actually a perfect drug called Heaven. It is The Real Deal! The amazing fix is eternal, infinite, bottomless, and it just doesn't run out. This drug is also addictive, but it doesn't have any negative side effects. The side effects of this particular high are love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Wait til you hear this, the Dealer for the miracle drug is waiting for YOU to call him up and take him up on his offer. That's right...He knows you and has been living to serve you. All he asks for is that you pass up all those other "deals" and say yes to His. The best part is "You DO NOT Have To Pay The Price" for your pill, no kidding, he already paid for your dose of everlasting joy, Heaven. It gets better! Your cravings for purpose and meaning will be satisfied each time you refer a new friend to claim his/her dose of unconditional LOVE/eternal life/HEAVEN. If you answer YES! to this REAL and AMAZING offer, every breath that you take, every sight that you see, every scent you smell, every touch, every taste, every laugh, every smile, every everything will be new. Faith is the only form of payment. Yes, it may sound strange at first, but stay with me here. The fresh perspective you will need for this transaction is going to blow your mind. The relationship you will have with your dealer is the key. And simply by swallowing this invisible truth, it will be an invitation for His perfection to cover you as insurance.  He will live in your heart and you automatically inherit his Pharmacy. Whoa! I sounds so crazy that a simple choice to believe the words written in the Prescription can do all that. But, the transformation is as real as it gets.  That's why the world is hungry, thirsty and delusional; good-intention-people are believing all the claims of the imitations out there, when there is only one cure for any and every dis-ease or discomfort...
Heaven. Every other product is simply turning your attention outward in search for a solution, when the answer lies's all about a choice that nobody can make for you.  If you were to know this is the truth, then all the other solutions would seem ridiculous to you. It would be crazy not to believe in miracles.

So will you continue to merely survive in the lie "ignorance is bliss"? Or will you be a part of the other movement? The redemption and restoration of souls IS happening now, even though it's NEVER on the evening news. You are forgiven. You are made perfect. You do belong. YOU are the only you. You are worth it. You are Loved for who you are and you can find courage to be your authentic self. Who is that? Who are you? Will you LET GO of who the world tells you to be and LET GOD tell you who you are? In case you didn't know, you are always, shoes, purses, people, places, things, activities. It is your choice...Big G or little g? Your Creator who knows you and Loves you is waiting.  God says "Be Still and Know I Am God".

If you would like to be connected to a Pharmacy that never closes and a Prescription that never fails, I can help you get in touch with your personal Dealer. Contact me at

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who Are You? I AM...

Love is who I am. Love fills my life. Love is everything. It is my truth. Love is what is left when all fears and illusions are dissolved. It’s the essence of all creation. Love is God. God is Love. It is my passion to share this truth and to help others embrace their passion and live the dream. All evil arises out of separation from God/Love. Ultimately we all want to be loved. But, there is no lack of love. There is only the illusion of separation or abandonment. And though the experience of it is awful and very real, the truth is that it is a choice. There are messages everywhere we look urging us to take responsibility for the choices we make. There are also messages pulling you in the direction of fear, doubt, lack. If you experience life as a victim, you are passing up the opportunity to consciously create the life of your dreams. What you feed your soul is key. Positive input and high energy thoughts will produce positive output and desired outcome. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself". We already are everything that we seek to be. It is your attitude and state of being that determines who you become, along with the thoughts, words, and actions you choose. If you know without a doubt who you are and who you wish to become, nobody can stop you. The roadblocks and challenges are there to make you stronger, not break you. It is what separates the people who live their dreams from those who make excuses not to. If you arm yourself with confidence, determination, and an undying faith or knowing that you are becoming that which you were created to be, you will. The good news is that you don’t have to do it all alone. God is on your side. God dreamt the dream for you and has given you the manual. With your complete surrender and cooperation, God will work behind the scenes to bring everything together to perfectly coincide…hence, all the coincidences when you are in the flow. He will make sure that you are always at the perfect place in perfect time to make the perfect connections. You are already creating, but if you haven’t had an awakening or been reborn, you are doing so unconsciously. Awareness brings light to the situation. If you wish to see different results in your life, you must make changes to who you are being. If you surround yourself with positive people and listen only to positive influences and choose to only allow thoughts and words of empowerment to ooze from you…you will begin to manifest your dream. It is simple. Getting discouraged or giving up will NEVER get you there. Will you choose a life of excuses or will you BELIEVE you are who God says you are and become that which He made you to be? Choose! Then, stick to your choice and be patient. When the challenges arrive, smile wide and have a “bring it on” attitude. Expect to be presented with a sea of opportunities that you will miss if you are too busy worrying, making excuses, quitting, or being scared. You are closer than you think. Make your inner world all about this dream and your outer world will match it. Act as if you already see it manifesting, give thanks, and know it is your reality! Stay fearless!

With Love & Certainty,

Fearless Jenny