Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Keep it Simple.

Here it is… just keep it simple!

And now these three remain:
and Love.
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Listen to this keep it simple message…

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” 
R.I.P. ZIG ZIGLAR (November 6, 1926 – November 28, 2012)
You may feel like you don’t have anything to share…
You have a storehouse of experiences…
You have a story to share with others…
That will encourage others to do the same…
You can make a difference…
Keep it simple
Be the change…
Join my team in Empower Network to make money blogging about your passion with a step-by-step system that is proven to work.
Follow the steps, keep it simple and take action daily.
Just click the button below…
your rockstar life
Life is a series of daily events where you get to determine the outcome (re-read that).
Play big. Go hard. And never give up. It’s worth it (I promise). —Dave Sharpe

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  If you love freedom and want to learn what I do to make money online… watch this video!
Check out my Empower Network FAQ page 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Can Success Be Easy?

Can success be easy if we allow it?

Just to make things clear…
There is nothing special about me…
There is nothing special about the awesome people I met in San Diego
in September at the Empower Network live event that are living their wildest dreams.
There is something pretty much all of us have in common…
And that’s the excitement and enthusiasm that we all experience
When empowering others to believe in themselves… and be free.
Most people will answer “NO” when asked “Can success be easy?
Of course, it might seem silly… if it were easy, wouldn’t everyone know?
But, here’s the thing… most of us have been hearing the same old story
And repeating the same old patterns… and getting the same old results.
So… Can success be easy if nothing changes?? NO!

Can success be easy?Can success be easy with change?

YES!  When you start to hang around the people who are creating the results
you want out of life… you might notice a new pattern.
Their laughter gives it away… almost like a “too good to be true” deal!
But, that’s just the thing… Why do we say something like that?
We have to start believing that really great things happen to people just like us.
We have to start believing that we are no different than the people we look up to.
And if you surround yourself with people that are successful in living life to the fullest…
Having a thriving business while still having an awesome life…
Doing the things they love with the people they love
You’ll notice they keep it simple.
While everybody else is overcomplicating things…
The true believers are living “a blessed life” while the rest are certain “life is hard“.
So, I know you are worthy and deserving of living your full potential.
Are you going to enjoy life’s simplicity?
Ask yourself now… “Can success be easy for me?
I am going to tell you this because I care…
and I wish someone would have told me sooner…
YES YES YES YES!!!! Empower Network is the easiest freedom vehicle out there.
Join me now (Click button below) and you will thank me.  We will celebrate together.
Can success be easy?
Life is a series of daily events where you get to determine the outcome (re-read that).
Play big. Go hard. And never give up. It’s worth it (I promise). —Dave Sharpe

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  If you love freedom and want to learn what I do to make money online… watch this video!
Check out my Empower Network FAQ page 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful for Moments Like These...

Thankful for Moments with Loved Ones

It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving Day for us to pause and be thankful for moments that make us smile.  Time spent with our family and friends are precious.  As business owners and people who are on a mission, it’s important to remember to take breaks and just be happy.  I am so thankful for moments with my children and especially with my husband.   He went from working at a job ALL the time and struggling to make ends meet… to starting his own business and learning how to make more money in less time and spending much more time with the family.  It is definitely a learning process and quite a transformation journey, but one so worth taking.  I am so thankful for the boss that fired him… and actually more thankful for my husband’s attitude about the whole thing.
We have 3 little ones and they are my most significant accomplishment in life.   I have slept in a hospital waiting room and motel rooms when I was homeless for some time.  I have been on drugs and around really shady people.  I once left my boyfriend and moved to another state with his best friend.
After getting my life on track, I had the experience of walking in to find my brother dead from a cocaine overdose.  Hurricane Wilma came through South Florida on my wedding day (beach wedding)………BUT……….. I still married the man I’ve loved since age 13.  I took steps to read and surround myself with positive messages of hope and disconnect from all the negativity.  I am now healthy, happy and whole… Thankful for moments of grace and all of the experiences…. my story is helping people along the way.
And most of all I am thankful that I now BELIEVE in myself and KNOW that the best is yet to come.  My children are AMAZING… the awesomest gift ever.  And after overcoming all this… we KNOW that we will also overcome the present struggle of facing an eviction… paying our bills… getting all in with Empower (which has already been a badass force in helping us to make more money).  We had no resources… no money, credit cards, babysitter… and we STILL made it to San Diego from Miami, FL.  All because we knew that we had to be there.  This Empower Network is it for us.  I made a decision.  I packed my bags, left them by the front door and went to work trying my best to find a way to make it to the event.  We had family that saw our hearts and belief level and helped us out last minute.  We made it… a little late, but we still made it.
And that’s how certain I am that anyone can MAKE IT in Empower Network…and in life.
Life is a series of daily events where you get to determine the outcome (re-read that).
Play big. Go hard. And never give up. It’s worth it (I promise). —Dave Sharpe

Thankful for moments of fun with my loves… watch this!!

I am so thankful for moments when we get together with friends and let the kids be kids and run around play, explore, get dirty, eat yummy stuff, be happy and have a blast!!!
 Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!! God Bless YOU!!!
If you want to learn how to make money blogging about your passion
just click the button below…
your rockstar life

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Get Empowered and Enjoy Your Rockstar Life!

your rockstar lifeYour Rockstar Life

It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re doing, how old you are or what kind of music makes you move… get empowered and live life to the fullest :) Enjoy your rockstar life!!!
You deserve to experience life’s blessings and abundance.  While we all have a good work to do, something to give, a contribution to make…. we also must celebrate life by simply being happy to be alive and well.  Celebrate your rockstar life… and you will live like a rockstar.  I hope you just got that little golden nugget :)  Take action towards achieving your dreams… be consistent… don’t stop, don’t give up… AND CELEBRATE each step of the way!
Watch this 16 second video:

Enjoy Your Rockstar Life… Julio and Ada Style!

If you want to learn how to make money blogging about your passion
just click the button below…
your rockstar life
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  If you love freedom and want to learn what I do to make money online… 
Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page 

Caught My Husband Dancing With a Man!

Yes!!! I Caught My Husband on Camera…

Dancing with a man! HAHA!!! My Tio Julio and my husband Robert are both jokers.  Every time we get together with family and these two see each other, it’s like they have a secret bromance going on.  When we sit down at the dinner table, they are always making me laugh.  I’ve caught my husband and Julio holding hands… waiting for someone to notice.  But, I never have a camera around when they get their joke on!  Well, this time, I finally caught my husband on camera… and I am sharing it with the world!!!!!!!!! Bwaaahaaaahaaaaahahahahaha!
I love you guys, thank you for making me laugh all the time.  The world would not be the same without the silly, funny, jokesters like you both.  Watch the video and enjoy!!!!!

Caught my husband dancing with a man… here’s the video!

If you want to learn how to make money blogging about your passion
just click the button below…
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  If you love freedom and want to learn what I do to make money online… without the bs!  You can have a successful online business without … Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Baldy Butthead and half a dozen kids...

My silly family... I love them with all my heart... they are my WHY!

What's your WHY?

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page 
PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and ENjoy your day!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Secret to Stress Reduction

A tip for stress reduction

Isn’t it interesting how we obsess over the uncertainties of life and get stressed and overwhelmed thinking we have to figure it all out at once?  Our ego is trying to control the universe from a limited perspective, which only produces more stress.  When you feel tense and need a little something forstress reduction… apply the secret to stress reductiontips!!  It works for me and it can work for you too.  Watch this video:

Stress Reduction Tips

Set your intention for the future from this present moment now…
but don’t use up all your moments obsessing on how it will manifest.  
Instead, take inspired action and then, let go and allow…
trusting in the process… knowing that it is unfolding perfectly.
Don’t become so attached to a particular outcome that you fail to see
the perfect opportunities that are showing up in the present and
the perfect people to help you along on your journey.
Don’t judge the hardships because they are your greatest teachers.
Instead, get curious ask questions that help with stress reduction such as:
“What is this trying to teach me?”  or “How can I use this situation to help somebody?

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  If you love freedom and want to learn what I do to make money online… without the bs!  You can have a successful online business without having to harass people on the phone or chase friends and family… Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page 
PPS:   Walk in faith, love, and certainty… and your day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

All Ego Aside... Empowering People is Serious Business. === Empowering people is something I am passionate about. I have a story to tell and so does everybody else. Isn't it awesome that we could actually make money blogging about our struggles, dreams, challenges, failures and triumphs?! Yes it is awesome... and that's why we are so pumped! Sometimes it may look like we are bragging about our results, in reality we are celebrating our victories in order to show you that we found something that is real, legit, and it works! Don't judge or hate on the Empower Network pride... we want you to be successful too. Click the link above for more info on how to make money online working from home... with your family :)

I want you to be successful too. Click the button below to get started now.
100% Commissions
Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page 
network marketing
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and your day!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Big Picture... Can You See With Your Heart?

How can you see the big picture?

What we see with our  eyes might not always be enough, it’s not the big picture.
What we see can be misleading if we are seeing only a fragment of the big picture

When we open up our hearts and expand our minds to a greater awareness…

that shift in consciousness allows us to focus
with a new set of eyes, soul eyes.  Our daily worries,
dramas and conflicts with our life circumstances
finally stop stressing us out and no longer have
the power to create disease in us when we look within
and put on the “mind of Christ”.  

If we can be still and just breathe, instead of allowing our 
minds to run our lives, we begin to experience a peace that
comes from within and is greater than any other force. 

The greatness and vastness of God’s love can put things
into perspective for us all.  It doesn’t matter what
religious background you have or don’t have, beyond
our identifications we are all spirits and God’s universal
language is love.  Therefore, your past experiences don’t
determine whether or not you can receive this gift. 

The only thing that counts is your willingness to accept
it and its free and its here now, always available to you. 
The more you invite “the big picture” perspective…
that space brings clarity to your mind and peace to your life.

It becomes clear that it has always been your choice to be aware
of the stories you tell yourself which often are just fear-
based unrealistic thoughts.  By not believing that you are
your thoughts and understanding that you are the awareness,
the space between the thinking, you begin an awakening
process. As you learn to take control and quiet the mental
noise, the answers for the basic fundamental questions
such as “Who am I?” and “What can I learn from this situation?”
become crystal clear.  With our egos aside, we can feel that
we are all one, we come from the same God, and know
from the depths of our core that what we do unto others,
we do to ourselves.  As we adopt “the big picture” perspective,
life is no longer a struggle, but a beautiful stream of
interconnected currents helping us along our way. 

As we peel the labels off everyone and everything,
we are left with the nakedness of the soul and its
characteristics; love and peace and joy.

What’s the big picture?

When you see with your heart, there is a shift from
“What’s in it for me?” to “How can I serve?”
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page 
PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and ENjoy your day!