Monday, November 5, 2012

Make Room for the Great: Your Life Depends on It!

Your Great Life

Friends, the “gospel” or “good news” is really that God loves us all.  As humans, we complicate things so much.  Our minds are always racing and yapping.  It is impossible to reach that perfection we all are striving for in the material world…perfect body, hair, fashion, house, kids, parents, spouse, career, neighbors, world.  The perfection we seek is already ours, it is a gift, given freely to all who accept it, embrace it as the truth and live it.  It is God’s Love.  Receive it or reject it, it’s completely your choice.  Just a reminder, your great life depends on it.
”If you don’t feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because you have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Your soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great.” (John Piper, A Hunger For God)
I am passionate about helping others create a meaningful life.  I feel most alive when I am helping someone else let go of their own fears and energy blockages and awaken.  I remember asking God to use me when I was just a teenager.  I can honestly say that I look back at all the craziness I have experienced in awe and gratitude.  I have a deep appreciation for the ground I have already covered and now I can see that it was all setting me up for this very moment.  I  know firsthand what it is to battle fear, separation, insecurity, heartache, depression, addiction, guilt, shame, anger, loss, grief and to barely survive in lack and limitation.  I am here to reach out to people who are facing similar challenges today. I know that life’s challenges never end, we will always have obstacles.  But, when there is a strong foundation of faith, nothing is too big, nothing is impossible.  I am here to serve.  My journey is an ongoing process of growth and transformation.  My spiritual and my relationship pillars went from “rags to riches”.  I am now happily married to my best friend and we have three beautiful children.  Our dream of having this amazing family had come true.  We are still amazed at everything we have overcome and how worthwhile it has all turned out to be. We are still a work in progress and so are you. Your great life is here and now.  Begin by appreciating what is already present and being grateful for all that has yet to manifest but is surely on it’s way.  Then, stay focused on creating your great life. Get rid of all the negative to make room for the great.  Just keep moving forward taking daily consistent inspired action steps and never ever quit.

Start living your great life now.

I began this blog with my finances at zero and will be documenting the transformation process of building financial wealth.  True wealth comes from within.  Contrary to popular belief, you can do what you love and build financial wealth by living a life of integrity, being your true authentic self and realizing your lifelong dream.  I know this to be true because I have been studying, surrounding myself with and learning from those who have conquered this.  The steps have been laid out for us.  If we play the game of follow the leader and stay focused, never ever quitting… we won’t be defeated.  Actually, we will be leading the way for others.  I am asking you to join me in this movement so that we may encourage each other and celebrate our successes together.  It is an honor for me to receive and deliver this message of hope.  I want to remind you to do the work which is required to build up your confidence and have the courage to take on all those fears, doubts, excuses, stereotypes, judgments… to live your great life.  You don’t have to do it alone.  I love to empower others to get connected to their infinite creative selves.  I feel a sense of fulfillment when I help others open up to a world of possibility they never knew existed.  When I am doing this work, it’s as if God is flowing through me.  I am in complete surrender, being my authentic self, doing God’s will.  I am ready to hear from you.  It’s time for a life changing experience, don’t you think?

Please do not be turned off by all the “God” talk here… this movement has nothing to do with religion, exclusion, or any ego-specific views.  I can speak your language, whether you are Atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, or other…as long as you are willing.  My practice is universal and all-inclusive.  Not only do I not discriminate, but I actually welcome the minority, outcasts, freaks and weirdos such as myself with open arms!!  :D
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

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PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and ENjoy your day!

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