Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pieces of God

The outside is only a reflection
From within
this love is an expression
We call Heaven
My soul and yours
Are pieces of God
If that’s not enough
Then what is
The whole world waits
For divinity
Yet here we are
Now is the time
It has always been
Eternity is timeless
Memories are neither
In The past nor the future
They are thoughts
experienced In the present
Every moment an opportunity
To break the curse
To forgive, to let go
Every blink a chance to awaken
To a new reality
What a gift it is to see
Life for what it is
What a blessing
To know the truth
To break Free from guilt
And habitual hatred
Love to bring light to stereotypes
Judging is the ego way
It’s so sweet to
Surrender to god
And let Life live through me
We are life’s song
No sense in fighting
One another
The high notes
Don’t hate the low notes
United they make
a beautiful song
Our differences
make us who we are
Each an individual expression
of the divine
Fear is born from uncertainty
Worry is misplaced energy
spiritual Amnesia
Blinding the masses
All fixated on the illusion
of being separate
The holes in our heart
Keep us longing for more
Never to fill the void
Always reaching for a distant dream
On this physical plane
The soul yearns to return
To simplicity
Where joy comes from being
And happiness is the way
Why don’t we just allow change
without the need to control
What would happen if we let go
Is finding yourself worth losing everything you know
You may come to realize
there was never really a risk
The only danger was believing in
The lie that you lived
Pieces of God” written by:  Jennifer Orellana in July 2007

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Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

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PPS:   Walk in faith and ENjoy your day!

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