Monday, November 5, 2012

Lighten Up! Love is the Answer!

Let’s Lighten Up and Appreciate Life!

I thought it would be cool to share this simple message with you since it really points to the big picture, which is ultimately the way I want to live my life and always try to inspire others to do the same.   We often stress over small things, big things, and worry endlessly about everything.   That is the way the majority of us live… it doesn’t make us more effective and it doesn’t solve anything.  What we need to do is lighten up! Appreciate life and all of it’s blessings.  Love is the answer.  If you shift your perception and love more, then, life will give you more to love.
Throughout my spiritual path I have come to understand that all the great spiritual teachers and yes, Jesus himself, have been guiding us to “surrender to the peace and let God be the choreographer of our lives” and its a whole different experience when you truly choose to do that and take the leap of faith. Life is not a struggle when you are flowing with the current instead of against it.  When you function out of ego and fear, life is hard, thinking you can control everything and fuming when things don’t go  your way.  When you drop the ego andlighten up, then like Jesus, your focus is shifted and you function out of love.  You become one with life and it is effortless.  Religion is the story which attempts to point you in this direction. Religion was never meant to be the destination and most of the time it is mistaken for something else.
Check out this video I came across… it really shows a different perspective on life:

Lighten Up and Live in Love!

Today and every day forward, I choose to live in peace, in love, in bliss. Its a decision that we have to make and if we aren’t conscious of that decision,  we have only ourselves to blame.  When I learned about this lady’s experience it sort of described what I’m always trying to tell people about.  Even a stroke can be a blessing, thankfully we don’t have to experience a stroke to achieve this growth. We can lighten up and apply it to our lives now with every choice, every thought, every action OR if you don’t your inner struggles will start to manifest in your life in undesirable forms of suffering.  Unfortunately most people never wake up and never realize that they have the power to turn their lives around.  Dis-ease manifests disease.  Don’t wait til you are sick or your marriage is suffering or your kids are hurting or your life is out of control to make the change.  What you place your focus on you attract, what you resist persists.  Let us be grateful for what we have.  Our time here is limited, betterenjoy every moment.
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

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PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and ENjoy your day!


  1. LOVE the message here Jenny! So powerful and spot on! When you walk in faith anything and everything is possible. We always have a choice to be better. We choose peace and love and know that life is meant to be EPIC & we are meant to have abundance in all areas of this beautiful life we are given. Thanks for sharing this empowering message with the world! You are an amazing leader and we appreciate you!

  2. Thank you for the truly awesome comment :) your words are encouraging and your hearts are shining brightly. God bless you and may your continue to rock this journey we call life. You are doing great in helping people understand this powerful message. And I appreciate you both very much!!!
