Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Big Picture... Can You See With Your Heart?

How can you see the big picture?

What we see with our  eyes might not always be enough, it’s not the big picture.
What we see can be misleading if we are seeing only a fragment of the big picture

When we open up our hearts and expand our minds to a greater awareness…

that shift in consciousness allows us to focus
with a new set of eyes, soul eyes.  Our daily worries,
dramas and conflicts with our life circumstances
finally stop stressing us out and no longer have
the power to create disease in us when we look within
and put on the “mind of Christ”.  

If we can be still and just breathe, instead of allowing our 
minds to run our lives, we begin to experience a peace that
comes from within and is greater than any other force. 

The greatness and vastness of God’s love can put things
into perspective for us all.  It doesn’t matter what
religious background you have or don’t have, beyond
our identifications we are all spirits and God’s universal
language is love.  Therefore, your past experiences don’t
determine whether or not you can receive this gift. 

The only thing that counts is your willingness to accept
it and its free and its here now, always available to you. 
The more you invite “the big picture” perspective…
that space brings clarity to your mind and peace to your life.

It becomes clear that it has always been your choice to be aware
of the stories you tell yourself which often are just fear-
based unrealistic thoughts.  By not believing that you are
your thoughts and understanding that you are the awareness,
the space between the thinking, you begin an awakening
process. As you learn to take control and quiet the mental
noise, the answers for the basic fundamental questions
such as “Who am I?” and “What can I learn from this situation?”
become crystal clear.  With our egos aside, we can feel that
we are all one, we come from the same God, and know
from the depths of our core that what we do unto others,
we do to ourselves.  As we adopt “the big picture” perspective,
life is no longer a struggle, but a beautiful stream of
interconnected currents helping us along our way. 

As we peel the labels off everyone and everything,
we are left with the nakedness of the soul and its
characteristics; love and peace and joy.

What’s the big picture?

When you see with your heart, there is a shift from
“What’s in it for me?” to “How can I serve?”
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

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PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and ENjoy your day!

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