Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful for Moments Like These...

Thankful for Moments with Loved Ones

It doesn't have to be Thanksgiving Day for us to pause and be thankful for moments that make us smile.  Time spent with our family and friends are precious.  As business owners and people who are on a mission, it’s important to remember to take breaks and just be happy.  I am so thankful for moments with my children and especially with my husband.   He went from working at a job ALL the time and struggling to make ends meet… to starting his own business and learning how to make more money in less time and spending much more time with the family.  It is definitely a learning process and quite a transformation journey, but one so worth taking.  I am so thankful for the boss that fired him… and actually more thankful for my husband’s attitude about the whole thing.
We have 3 little ones and they are my most significant accomplishment in life.   I have slept in a hospital waiting room and motel rooms when I was homeless for some time.  I have been on drugs and around really shady people.  I once left my boyfriend and moved to another state with his best friend.
After getting my life on track, I had the experience of walking in to find my brother dead from a cocaine overdose.  Hurricane Wilma came through South Florida on my wedding day (beach wedding)………BUT……….. I still married the man I’ve loved since age 13.  I took steps to read and surround myself with positive messages of hope and disconnect from all the negativity.  I am now healthy, happy and whole… Thankful for moments of grace and all of the experiences…. my story is helping people along the way.
And most of all I am thankful that I now BELIEVE in myself and KNOW that the best is yet to come.  My children are AMAZING… the awesomest gift ever.  And after overcoming all this… we KNOW that we will also overcome the present struggle of facing an eviction… paying our bills… getting all in with Empower (which has already been a badass force in helping us to make more money).  We had no resources… no money, credit cards, babysitter… and we STILL made it to San Diego from Miami, FL.  All because we knew that we had to be there.  This Empower Network is it for us.  I made a decision.  I packed my bags, left them by the front door and went to work trying my best to find a way to make it to the event.  We had family that saw our hearts and belief level and helped us out last minute.  We made it… a little late, but we still made it.
And that’s how certain I am that anyone can MAKE IT in Empower Network…and in life.
Life is a series of daily events where you get to determine the outcome (re-read that).
Play big. Go hard. And never give up. It’s worth it (I promise). —Dave Sharpe

Thankful for moments of fun with my loves… watch this!!

I am so thankful for moments when we get together with friends and let the kids be kids and run around play, explore, get dirty, eat yummy stuff, be happy and have a blast!!!
 Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!! God Bless YOU!!!
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