Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Are you Motivated by Love or Fear?

Love or Fear?

In any given situation, ask yourself this:  Where are you coming from? Love or Fear?
Love:  Spirit, Faith, Unity, Expanding, Grace, Mercy, Kindness, Forgiveness, Selfless
Fear:  Ego, Persecution, Hatred, Jealousy, Judgement, Envy, Resentment, Condemnation

God is Love

Fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
“Grace is the empowering Presence of God enabling you to be who He created you to be, and to do what He has called you to do.”

Be Fearless

Watch my video for a bit about me and my story.  If it resonates with you, click the link below to be introduced to the system I am using to move forward on my journey of living in freedom and enjoying life to the fullest. The possibilities are infinite.  Once you drop the excuses and get rid of false assumptions, you’ll notice the things that seem impossible are not at all beyond your reach.  This is the best system I have found that works well to make money online and you can be yourself… you don’t have to chase friends and family or have home meetings or prospecting calls.
Step into your power NOW.  Join me in a team of people who used to make excuses and assumptions that got in the way. And NOW are making dreams come true! You can too…
100% Commissions
Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page  faq.areufearless.com 
network marketing
If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Walk in faith and E.N.joy your day!

Monday, October 22, 2012

What is necessary to transform your life?

Often people say they are willing to do whatever it takes to change the course of their lives. What does it take to transform your mind and your life?

A Decision

It takes a decision and the courage to stick to it and see it through. No plan B… no distractions. It takes faith and focus.  Focus on WHY you made the decision in the first place and walk in faith KNOWING that If God began a work in you, He WILL complete it… so quitting is not an option. When the doubts and fears and weaknesses creep back in, that’s when you see it as a perfect opportunity to step up to a new level of taking action and preparing to receive your blessing. A lot has to do with mindset and your belief level… if you don’t believe you are valuable enough or worthy of the experience, you are blocking your blessing. The paradigm shift must be to see yourself the way that God sees you. To know that you were created to live your potential and experience life to the fullest and God has equipped you with all that you need. When you start to question the timing and the resources and the mission… know that is part of the process…. everyone gets scared… everyone hits a wall… but YOU must persevere and expect a miracle. And when God shows up and makes a way where there was none before… get on board and celebrate.heart The true asset is your mind.
Guys! It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
AND… you are done with excuses and procrastinating…
100% Commissions
Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page for the best vehicle
I found to make my dreams a reality faq.areufearless.com 

Plug into our weekly Monday night ‘Empower
Hour‘ to learn exactly how you can be successful.
Here are the call in details:
Dial in at 9pm EST:    (712) 432-0900
Here’s the secret code:  260326#

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Earn while you learn with this simple system here!
Walk in faith and E.N.joy your day!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Impossible is Possible

Fearless Folk of the Year: Felix Baumgartner 

Freefalls from Space!!! Think about that for a moment.  This man just flew up over 128,000 feet in a helium-filled balloon.  Then, Felix Baumgartner completed a record breaking jump for from the edge of space.  Think of how many people told him he was crazy.  Imagine all the fears and doubts and long lists of excuses one would deal with when aiming to achieve this far-fetched dream.  Somewhere somehow it all started with a vision.  He wasn’t the first one to do such a thing.  But, I am referring to all the people involved in making this dream a reality.  From an idea, a vision, belief, persistence, action… the impossible is possible.

What dream have you written off as impossible?

If the impossible is possible and we know that it is… because anything is possible if you believe… then what does that leave out?  Your goals and dreams are no exception.  You are certainly no exception.  So stop making excuses and give yourself permission to pursue that which makes you glow.  Let yourself shine!  How? Well, make a decision to not die without ever having lived fully.  Take one step in the direction of your dreams at a time… and don’t stop.  Once you gain momentum, there is nothing that can stop you from becoming the best you.
“I’m coming home!” Here is the highlights video for the Fearless Folk of the Year…

It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
And… you are done with excuses and procrastinating…

Check out my FAQ’s page for the best vehicle
I found to make my dreams a reality faq.areufearless.com 

The more passive income you make…
the more resources you have available to help people.
The money is out there… Are you pulling in your share?
YES! I’m ready to join. Just send me to the order form, now.

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS: Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!
Walk in faith and E.N.joy your day!
“If you borrow money to go to school and then after four years you’re making $40,000/year… you can borrow money to get ‘all in’ and start making $40,000/month.”

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Freedom is Knocking on Your Door...

Take the leap of faith!

Think about your dreams and tell yourself “It’s Possible!” It’s time to override the story you've been telling yourself.  All the distractions that take your time and attention are not worth it.  Do you know what is worth it?  Living a life of faith and stepping in to the greatness you were called to.  Sure, it will mean stepping out of your comfort zone and in to unknown territory.
But, so what? If you get over it… the story you tell yourself about the risk involved in the journey… you’ll be so happy you did.  Actually, I believe that you will love, not like, Love the person you become.  You don’t have to change who you are or force yourself to become something you are not.  It’s just that we tend to over-complicate things.  This is an internal job.  Your belief has to be bigger…. than your fear.  The fear is part of the equation.   Don’t get it twisted… everyone gets scared.  But, if you let it paralyze you, and keep making excuses and procrastinating… then, you are responsible for blocking your blessings.  First you believe that you are worthy and deserving and know that God wants to bless you. Then you take action with enthusiasm and prepare to receive.
I struggled with this all my life and still today I am finally getting it:
“It’s not lack of ability or opportunity that holds you back.
It’s only a lack of confidence in yourself.”
“If you undervalue who you are, the world undervalues what you do.”
Trading your time for money is not the only way.

Watch this video from Les Brown and be inspired!!!

It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
And… you are done with excuses and procrastinating…

Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page for the best vehicle
I found to make my dreams a reality faq.areufearless.com 

The more passive income you make…
the more resources you have available to help people.
The money is out there… Are you pulling in your share?

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:  Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!

Walk in faith and E.N.joy your day!

“If you borrow money to go to school and then after four years you’re making $40,000/year… you can borrow money to get ‘all in’ and start making $40,000/month.”

Friday, October 12, 2012

Is Empower Network a Real Powerful Money Making Opportunity?

Well yes!! But it’s more than just that.
People are having major breakthroughs in their personal lives… going from depression, struggling, broke and even on the brink of suicide to being empowered and transformed. Empowered people are paying their church bills (like Kris and Jessica Darty and Pastor David and Sherrie Duncan) and doing wonderful things for the community.
This is much more than the millions of dollars being paid out in commissions to every day people. This is way bigger than people all over the world making more money online than they ever did before.  This is a movement of hope and a cry out from those who were once hurting,  homeless and trapped in the dark pits of addiction, struggling in life and want to tell the world about the possibility of change.
The founders of the Empower Network were those people… Dave Wood was living in a van before he had his breakthrough and became the “badass” leader that he is today. The term “badass” is not all ego… it actually reminds people that we each have a hero withinwaiting to be released if we could just Fight the Forces of Evil that hold us back and tell us we cannot be free.  Anything is possible for those who believe and take action.
Co-founder Dave Sharpe has a similar story. He was carrying around black trash bags filled with dirty clothes, addicted to drugs and alcohol, lost his parental rights for his daughter, about to give up on life… and then one person believed in him and inspired him to believe and change. As a result, so many lives have been changed for the better. I got to meet the Daves and thank them personally. And they are humble family people who actually put people first.
Change isn’t easy… but it is so worth it. See, I once was struggling to eat because I had no money and didn’t even know where I was going to sleep. I also turned to drugs. I was on a destructive path and I am so grateful that I had a shift and made a decision to change my life and LIVE a life of purpose. I am now a mommy of 3 awesome children and married to my best friend. There are still challenges in life but I made a choice to never give up and I am living my dream.
My husband and I are now a team working from home and are excited to be on this journey together. We are ready to help people make a difference in their own lives and ultimately in the lives of many others. This is how we change the world… one person at a time.
Why do you want to be free? What would you do with your time freedom? How wouldfinancial freedom help you live your dream? Wouldn’t it be awesome to share a positive message of hope for people who are struggling and want a way out of their problems? How awesome would you feel to be a part of the solution?
Here’s a video by one of my favorite “powerhouse couples” Aaron and Sophia Rashkin:
…who made $69,452 in 90 days ‘part time’ with Empower Network.
DISCLAIMER:  Just because Aaron & Sophia Rashkin made $69,452 in 90 days part time, doesn’t mean that you’ll make that much money, too… See our Full Income Disclosure (LIVE stats update every 24 hours)
If you can follow directions and be consistent (take action daily)… I would love to work with you personally. Only the ones who already KNOW they are going to MAKE IT no matter what.
Check out my FAQ’s page and make a decision.  faq.areufearless.com 
Thanks and God bless you.
YES! I’m ready to join. Just send me to the order form, now:
100% Commissions
It’s time for you to become a “MASTER”.
It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
And… just get in :)
Please comment below if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!
PPS:  Walk in faith and E.N.joy your day!
 I wonder how many people are asking colleges if getting a degree and going into debt REALLY works?  -Tracey Walker

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Aaron And Sophia Rashkin Made $69,452 In 90 Days

Yep.  Another “Fearless” husband and wife team.
And it’s about to get gnarly…
 Aaron & Sophia are a “powerhouse” couple…
…who made $69,452 in 90 days ‘part time’ with Empower Network.
DISCLAIMER:  Just because Aaron & Sophia Rashkin made $69,452 in 90 days part time, doesn’t mean that you’ll make that much money, too… See our Full Income Disclosure (LIVE stats update every 24 hours)
YES! I’m ready to join. Just send me to the order form, now:
100% Commissions


Because there’s never been anything like  Empower Network.

It was built by the people.

For the people…

…and OF the people – for ONE purpose:


You’re success.


You’re VOICE being heard.

YOU reclaiming YOUR POWER.

And we have a PLAN to do it.

See, people are already realizing – that although you can make a LOT of money all over the direct sales profession….

…IF you know what you’re doing – people are making more money by following our simple system, than anything else they’ve ever done IN THEIR LIVES.

And it’s just begun.

Look at our Alexa Traffic Ranking… this is out of BILLIONS of pages online:

http://Here is an image of Empower Network being ranked #214 on Alexa in the United States.  Amazing!
Not only that, the ‘buzz’ we have in our community – it’s ethereal.

People are more passionate about what we’re doing, than they’ve ever been in their lives – NEWBIES are having just as much success as veterans.

100% Commissions
It’s time for you to become a “MASTER”.
It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
And… just get in :)
Please comment below if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!
PPS:  Walk in faith and E.N.joy your day!
Time to get ALL IN or else…
Guess what I just lost 3 [$3000] sales. I really know how Tony Rush felt now. My wife Sherrie and I just opened up our email, and couldn’t believe the profits we just missed LAST NIGHT :( -Pastor David Duncan