Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is Empower Network?


Many people want to know “What is Empower Network?” and “What do you have to do to make money with Empower Network?”.  So, here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.’s) about Empower Network.

What is Empower Network?

Empower Network is the Olympics of affiliate marketing.  There are all kinds of affiliate marketing programs on the internet which will pay you a small percentage of the profit they make on each sale you refer to them.  The Empower Network pays 100% commissions.  Why?  Because the Empower Network founder David Wood and co-founder David Sharpe began this company with a vision:  to empower the people.  They set out to do this by providing a system and training that would give the average person an opportunity to make a full-time residual income online with minimal time and no prospecting.  See, Dave and Dave were once struggling to survive as many people now are.    These guys know what it is like to go from being homeless and battling drug addictions to making a decision to do something with their lives and seeing that vision through.  As part of the Empower Network, each member is encouraged to follow the same action plan and everybody has the same earning potential.  Even Dave and Dave are affiliates and so they make commissions the same way everybody else in the program makes commissions.

How Do You Make Money With Empower Network?

Empower Network is a blogging platform and an internet marketing education system.  When you join the Empower Network at the lowest level only $25/month, you get a highly optimized blog on an authority site which is already ranked at the top 300 traffic sites in the world. This means free traffic for your blog. In your back office, you have 8 training videos created by some of the best marketers in the world.  After watching those videos, you will know what to do to get your business started. You need to stick to the game plan and take action daily and your business will grow.
In your back office, you will also find the steps to become an affiliate for $19.95/month.  This gives you the opportunity to make money.  How do you make money?  Simply by blogging and sharing.  You can also do some free marketing or paid marketing to refer people to your lead capture page where they will enter their email in order to watch a 30 minute video presentation.  This also helps you build your list, you have full access to all your leads in Empower Network.  When someone joins by clicking one of your links, you get paid.  Remember, the $25/month is a residual income.  You will continue to make that money month after month for as long as the person stays a member.  :)
Next, you have the option to upgrade to $125/month level.  That is the $25 blogging system + The Inner Circle product at $100 which consists of downloadable audio training from the best leaders in the industry.  This product alone has saved lives.  The training includes marketing strategies but also takes you through the personal breakthroughs of many people who went from struggling to thriving and how they did it.  These mindset training audios are priceless.  If you listen to one daily, your life is sure to change.  They help you rewire your thinking for success.  You will get pumped and experience Aha after Aha moment with these.  Once you own the Inner Circle, you are qualified to earn 100% commissions on these as well.  Your income potential increases drastically with $125 monthly residuals.  :)

What Does It Mean To Go All In With Empower Network?

Now for those who were wondering “What is Empower Network?” Know this… if you are serious about owning your own online business and never having to work a job again, you must Go ALL IN!  The Empower Network offers the possibility of achieving this dream to those who go ALL IN… with your mind, your faith, and your action… you will become unstoppable.  This makes it possible to earn a 6 figure monthly income in less time than I have ever seen with any other vehicle.  Going all in with the Empower Network means you own ALL the products and are therefore eligible to receive commissions up to $4625 for each person you sponsor… and then $125 monthly residuals thereafter.  It’s a no-brainer!  :)

What Other Educational Products Do You Sell?

Costa Rica Mastermind: $500/1 time purchase ~ The Costa Rica Mastermind is a video series training. It was created at an exclusive mastermind retreat Dave Wood gave at his home in Costa Rica. You’ll  learn tricks that helped David Wood go from being broke and living in a van to making over $100,000 a MONTH.  Once you purchase the Costa Rica Mastermind you’ll be eligible for 100% commissions on this product.  :)
15K Formula: $1000/1 time purchase ~ The 15K formula is the nuts and bolts, nitty gritty of advertising. It covers both free and paid advertising options, including SEO. This is where all the secrets and little tricks come out and you’ll learn to create an empire!  Once you purchase the 15K Formula you’ll be eligible for 100% commissions on this product.  :)
Master’s Retreat:  $3000/1 time purchase ~ The Master’s Retreat is designed to explode the income earner of anybody that makes a commitment to purchase this product. If you dive in fully and implement all the strategies that the masters of the industry are currently using to make 6 figures monthly with their online business.  Purchasing this product also takes your income potential to maximum level with the Empower Network.  :)

What is The Empower Network Income Potential?

With Empower Network it is possible to earn $4625 from one customer in one day…That is powerful!  Sign up as many as you can.  The income potential is unlimited!!!!!!!!!  And the funds go straight to your bank account.  :)

Why Is Empower Network So Awesome for New Marketers?

Normally, to market successfully online, you’ll need at least…
• Domain
• Hosting
• Blog
• Lead capture page
• Auto-responder, with email series to market to your list
Costing you HUNDREDS of dollars! BEFORE you even get started marketing online! Each of these components cost both money AND time to understand how to operate!
Empower Network eliminates the hassle, time and money. Empower Network starts at ONLY $25 per month!! An auto-responder service alone usually costs $20 per month! For only $25 per month, you get a plug and play, optimized and fully functioning blog!!

Do I Have to Sell Any Products?

The awesome thing for all of those that don’t like to sell is that you only have to get traffic to your blog or refer people to watch the video and let Dave and Dave do all the selling.  The hard work is done for you.  The system works.  The autoresponder messages that follow up with your leads will send them to the videos that do the upselling for you.  Of course, the more traffic you drive to your blog, the better chance you have of getting signups.  With The Empower Network, you can have great results if you follow the daily action plan and never give up.  If you keep the faith and put in the work, you will see the results and you will be pleased.

What is the Empower Network Compensation Plan?

Empower Network has a “Powerline” payment system. You keep sales 1, 3, 5… the 2nd, 4th and 6th sales go to your Sponsor… and then every 5th sale from then on (beginning after your 6th sale) – with this structure continuing…FOREVER…!
Don’t panic about the amount of ‘lost’ commission you are ‘passing up’ to your Sponsor! With EVERY person you sponsor into the Empower Network, they also pass up to YOU every 2nd, 4th, 6th and then every 5th sale from then on (beginning after your 6th sale) – with this structure continuing…FOREVER…!
This compensation plan EQUALLY keeps you motivated to ensure your sponsored Members’ success and your Sponsor motivated to ensure your success! A TRUE team business, where no one person succeeds at the expense of someone else!! NO ONE is left behind!!!
Of course, not all of your leads will join the Empower Network team. THEN, you can market to those leads your current network marketing company, products/services or other affiliate programs. The Empower Network system is an awesome win-win-WIN way to BUILD your income quickly, while simultaneously growing your other businesses.

Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
what is the empower network

Results are NEVER guaranteed. Money is ONLY
made through working on your business, having good
people around you, and believing in yourself.

Please comment below if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!
PPS:  Walk in faith and your day!

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