Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Freedom is Knocking on Your Door...

Take the leap of faith!

Think about your dreams and tell yourself “It’s Possible!” It’s time to override the story you've been telling yourself.  All the distractions that take your time and attention are not worth it.  Do you know what is worth it?  Living a life of faith and stepping in to the greatness you were called to.  Sure, it will mean stepping out of your comfort zone and in to unknown territory.
But, so what? If you get over it… the story you tell yourself about the risk involved in the journey… you’ll be so happy you did.  Actually, I believe that you will love, not like, Love the person you become.  You don’t have to change who you are or force yourself to become something you are not.  It’s just that we tend to over-complicate things.  This is an internal job.  Your belief has to be bigger…. than your fear.  The fear is part of the equation.   Don’t get it twisted… everyone gets scared.  But, if you let it paralyze you, and keep making excuses and procrastinating… then, you are responsible for blocking your blessings.  First you believe that you are worthy and deserving and know that God wants to bless you. Then you take action with enthusiasm and prepare to receive.
I struggled with this all my life and still today I am finally getting it:
“It’s not lack of ability or opportunity that holds you back.
It’s only a lack of confidence in yourself.”
“If you undervalue who you are, the world undervalues what you do.”
Trading your time for money is not the only way.

Watch this video from Les Brown and be inspired!!!

It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
And… you are done with excuses and procrastinating…

Check out my Empower Network FAQ’s page for the best vehicle
I found to make my dreams a reality 

The more passive income you make…
the more resources you have available to help people.
The money is out there… Are you pulling in your share?

If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  Thanks!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:  Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!

Walk in faith and your day!

“If you borrow money to go to school and then after four years you’re making $40,000/year… you can borrow money to get ‘all in’ and start making $40,000/month.”

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