Friday, October 19, 2012

The Impossible is Possible

Fearless Folk of the Year: Felix Baumgartner 

Freefalls from Space!!! Think about that for a moment.  This man just flew up over 128,000 feet in a helium-filled balloon.  Then, Felix Baumgartner completed a record breaking jump for from the edge of space.  Think of how many people told him he was crazy.  Imagine all the fears and doubts and long lists of excuses one would deal with when aiming to achieve this far-fetched dream.  Somewhere somehow it all started with a vision.  He wasn’t the first one to do such a thing.  But, I am referring to all the people involved in making this dream a reality.  From an idea, a vision, belief, persistence, action… the impossible is possible.

What dream have you written off as impossible?

If the impossible is possible and we know that it is… because anything is possible if you believe… then what does that leave out?  Your goals and dreams are no exception.  You are certainly no exception.  So stop making excuses and give yourself permission to pursue that which makes you glow.  Let yourself shine!  How? Well, make a decision to not die without ever having lived fully.  Take one step in the direction of your dreams at a time… and don’t stop.  Once you gain momentum, there is nothing that can stop you from becoming the best you.
“I’m coming home!” Here is the highlights video for the Fearless Folk of the Year…

It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
And… you are done with excuses and procrastinating…

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If you enjoyed this content, please comment below and share! :)  

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

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Walk in faith and your day!
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