Thursday, October 4, 2012

Time Formula

We all have 24 hours in each day.  That is 1440 minutes that we have daily that once gone, we never get back.  When we get in the habit of valuing our time and learn to appreciate the present moment as a priceless gift, life becomes more of a celebration than a struggle.  Learn to leverage your time and the possibilities are endless.  But, if you fall into the trap of believing that you don’t have enough time, there aren’t enough hours in the day, or you have to trade your hours for dollars… then, you lose the freedom you were born with.  You have an opportunity as an adult to make a decision to let go of the thoughts that trap you in the past or future.  Regretting the past or replaying it doesn't change it, it only distracts you from the present moment.  Worrying about the future doesn't help either, it only robs you of your focus.  To connect to your creativity, make it a priority to BE in the present moment.  Always give what you want to receive.  If you use your precious time to give to others and to create something awesome with your unique talents, your life will be awesome and meaningful.  Each moment is valuable, enjoy it and make it enjoyable for others.  Give value and you will be rewarded.
Here is a cool video a friend shared with me.  I am loving this time formula and think if enough of us would apply this, it will totally change the planet.  Check it out here:
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 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
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Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500 daily with this simple system here!
PPS:  Walk in faith and enjoy your day!

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