Monday, October 22, 2012

What is necessary to transform your life?

Often people say they are willing to do whatever it takes to change the course of their lives. What does it take to transform your mind and your life?

A Decision

It takes a decision and the courage to stick to it and see it through. No plan B… no distractions. It takes faith and focus.  Focus on WHY you made the decision in the first place and walk in faith KNOWING that If God began a work in you, He WILL complete it… so quitting is not an option. When the doubts and fears and weaknesses creep back in, that’s when you see it as a perfect opportunity to step up to a new level of taking action and preparing to receive your blessing. A lot has to do with mindset and your belief level… if you don’t believe you are valuable enough or worthy of the experience, you are blocking your blessing. The paradigm shift must be to see yourself the way that God sees you. To know that you were created to live your potential and experience life to the fullest and God has equipped you with all that you need. When you start to question the timing and the resources and the mission… know that is part of the process…. everyone gets scared… everyone hits a wall… but YOU must persevere and expect a miracle. And when God shows up and makes a way where there was none before… get on board and celebrate.heart The true asset is your mind.
Guys! It’s time for YOU to live your dreams.
And you CAN do it.
IF… you’re ready to DECIDE to make it happen.
AND… you are done with excuses and procrastinating…
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Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny

PS:  To work with me personally, fill out this form here.
PPS:   Earn while you learn with this simple system here!
Walk in faith and your day!

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