Saturday, September 29, 2012

State of Consciousness: Rich or Poor?

“Action, although necessary, is only a secondary factor in manifesting our external reality. Our state of consciousness creates our world.” Eckhart Tolle. 
If you take massive action but still in state of doubt, lack, worry, fear vs take massive inspired action in faith and love and service and enthusiasm… each a different state of consciousness, different beliefs, different results.  To onlookers “Release Your Inner Badass” might sound like an egomaniac convention… but the purpose of Empower Network and it’s products and events is to empower the people to see that everyone has the opportunity to make a decision and believe that something that once may have seemed impossible, situations with seemingly no way out, are temporary.  The power comes from a shift in consciousness.  A new level of belief.  As Jesus would say, “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” Mark 11:24.  When you know this to be true and truly believe and apply it, nothing is impossible.  So, to release your “inner badass” is really to “get it”… that nothing is impossible for you if you believe.  To see people gathered together, cheering each other on, not in competition with each other, but in competition with themselves… “the forces of evil”…the stories that have been playing in our heads for way too long that held us back from breaking through and allowing the creative forces to take over… it’s just so empowering!  I love being a part of this movement.  Faith without works is dead… You must take action! However, massive action taken in “sin” or “ego” won’t take you far.  I love that everyone in Empower Network is encouraged to be genuine, and the ones who “make it” are succeeding because they are helping others succeed…. loving one another… that’s the state of consciousness in which we serve each other, offer solutions, encourage each other, show appreciation for all of our blessings and the money comes as a byproduct of the value we give to others.  

Being rich truly is a state of consciousness… as is poverty.

Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
Please tweet or google+  if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why Empower Network?

I am pumped!  I just got back to Miami from San Diego. My husband Robert and I were at the “Fight the Forces of Evil” Empower Network convention.  It was powerful.  I am a stay at home mommy of 3 and my husband got fired from his job recently.  We made a decision to start a business together.  And after researching much, found Empower Network to be the best platform for us.  The main message is empowering people, helping others believe in themselves, getting out of the comfort zone, taking a leap of faith, getting over the mental blocks, getting in the creative zone, taking inspired action and never giving up.
why empower network
It’s a blogging system on an authority site which you can use to write about anything you want, or promote any business you want…and it helps drive traffic to your content.   The system is amazing for only $25/month… we started having results right away.  For people who want to increase their income, they also have an affiliate program where you can earn 100% commissions on each product that you purchase. If you blog daily and add content to your blog regularly, and promote your link, the selling is done for you. (I have a personal blog which I just copy and paste to for more traffic and visibility). The products are information products on marketing, mindset training, spiritual, subconscious and leadership training.  What I love about it and why I believe it is changing our lives so fast is because we were looking for something where we could be ourselves and I could use my gift of encouragement to help others.  The people are real… in flip flops and tank tops lol… and genuinely heart-centered, purpose-driven community.  The founders of the company have the same affilitate system as the members, we all have the same unlimited income potential. They have stories like ours… homeless, struggled with addiction, and broke free.  They encourage everyone to be authentic and share your story to help others.  I really believe that’s why there are so many success stories so fast.  My husband has doubled his income with just a few hours work daily (and never plans on getting a job again).  I have my husband back and my kids have their daddy back… this is priceless.  I am grateful and enjoying life so much more.  So excited about where we are and where we are heading!!  We will be helping hundreds and thousands of people to overcome the doubts and fears and mental blocks that keep us stuck and releasing their inner “badass”.  The next event is in Austin, TX Jan.18.  I want you to join my team and make a decision to be at that event.  Because I KNOW what it could do for you if you just let it.  Get in and follow the plan!  Massive action will bring you massive results by Christmas.  I believe in you!
Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

The TRUTH about Making Money Online

This weekend, I’ll be meeting 3,000 “BadAsses”
in San Diego for the most epic (and largest) marketing
event in our industry has ever seen.
It’s gonna be HUGE.
Today I’m meeting with the richest group of leaders
I’ve ever seen in the industry – my team – to talk
about the future of our team, our company….
…and how we can help our leaders get to 250k a month.
working on some other really cool stuff :)  Check it out below….
See, lately, I’ve had a hard time keeping up with
all the top earners….
…because there’s so many of them.
However, they’re not just making lot’s and lot’s of
money - they’re also doing this. (click here NOW)
If you’re ready to reach inside, and let us help
you reach your goals, financially and personally….
…then don’t wait another second.
Once we come out of this weekend, you’re going
to see more success stories than you could ever
It’s gonna be huge.
It’s gonna be historical.
David Sharpe
& Jennifer Orellana

Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Give First and You Shall Receive

Before you go out there today and and pitch everybody on your business opportunity or try to sell everyone a product, give first.  What I mean by “give first” is to change your focus from trying to recruit someone into your mlm or internet marketing program to actually being someone of value. People love to buy but they don’t want to be sold anything.  Don’t you just get annoyed when someone tries to sell you something online… without actually wanting to help you?  When you attack someone to give you their money, it’s likely that you will lost respect and stay broke. Change your approach from “what’s in it for me?” to “how may I serve?” or “how can I help?” or “how can I offer a solution to your problem?”  The energy is completely different when your attitude is one of genuinely wanting to give first.  Become a person of value.  When you put others first, you will be seen as a leader.  First, connect with the person.  Build a relationship. Offer them value, teach them something. They should be able to like you and trust you.  Then, you can identify the problem and offer a solution.  When you give first, and genuinely become passionate about helping others, you will receive far more fulfillment and prosperity than if it’s all about you and your collection of dollars.  The abundance mentality will transform your life… and it will reflect in your bank account.  The lack mentality will be a major roadblock to success.  So choose wisely.
"The measure of your life will not be in what you accumulate, but in what you give away."  Wayne Dyer 

Will you give first?

Here’s a video on Robert Kiyosaki on Giving and Receiving

Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Surround Yourself With Positive People

If you surround yourself with successful people, it’s sure to rub off on you!  Find people who have knowledge and great results and hang around them.  Pay attention!  It makes sense to learn all about mindset, attitude, and value from people who inspire you or have already accomplished what you want to accomplish.
I have found working in the home based business industry for 5 years that I have had to surround myself with successful people in order to hit the success I deserved.” my mentor, Mike Hobbs
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn says: “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
I didn’t always believe that, but now I understand it. There are people who are negative, who will waste their lives away one excuse after the other. Then, they complain that nothing good ever happens to them. How about when they say, “With my luck….” and then insert some lame story about the kind of poor victim-mentality life they live. These people will drain your energy. Stay away from them. Sure, we want to help and offer solutions. But, for the most part, they are stuck in their stories and they don’t want to make an effort to change their lives. If you must be around someone with a depleting, poor, lack worldview… do NOT get sucked in to the drama.
Make it a point to connect and build new relationships with people who are like-minded and uplifting. The people you surround yourself with should add value to your life. And you can continue to add value as well, simply by being yourself. Tell your story. Be authentic. Always maintain a positive outlook on life and a clear vision as to where you are going. Together we Stand. Divided we fall.

That is what today’s video from Mike Hobbs is about! He is one of the successful people I surround myself with.

Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.

“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”

“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”

“If I could friend you TWICE, I would Jenn..You are Awesome on your videos.” Vic

Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Promotion!!! I am Promoting YOU today!

Today I am promoting you!  Every person who reads this message… it’s for YOU! You rock! You are awesome! You were born to be AWESOME! No matter what your current situation looks like, YOU can make a decision TODAY… to BELIEVE that you can transform as a caterpillar does. You can fly. I believe YOU can… the question is WILL YOU?? Know that you are LOVED. Know it!!!!!!!!!! Life is good and worth living. You are AWESOME… let your light shine! Be a LEADER. Tell your story. ♥
This is a video I made for you… it comes straight from the heart.  Please excuse the extreme closeup and horribly rough footage LOL.
Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.

“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”

“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”

“If I could friend you TWICE, I would Jenn..You are Awesome on your videos.” Vic

Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn 500% commissions
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

Morning Ritual Sets You Up for Success

Morning Pages

In order to retrieve your creativity, you need to find it. I ask you to do this by an apparently pointless process I call the morning pages.

Morning Pages are three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning. There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages– they are not high art. They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Occasionally colorful, more often than not Morning Pages are negative, fragmented, repetitive or bland. Good!  Worrying about your job, the laundry, the weird look your friend gave you – all that stuff distracts you from your creativity. It eddies through your subconsciousness and muddies your day. Get it on the page first thing in the morning and move on with your day with a freer spirit.  By Julia Cameron

My morning ritual

I find the morning pages to be a helpful tool even though I don’t always get it done first thing in the morning.  I like to get my daughter to school first.  Then, I do my morning pages and a 1o-minute sitting meditation followed by a 30-minute walking meditation.  I also like to listen to at least 30 minutes of inspirational material.  Sometimes, it’s a radio show in my car, a mastermind call, or an inner circle audio from my Empower Network backoffice.  Yourmorning ritual doesn’t have to be like mine.  It can be anything that works for you.  But, if you don’t have a morning ritual in place now, I suggest you set aside the first hour of your morning to really get connected and mindful and watch how that sets the tone for the rest of the day.  I bet it will increase your creativity and productivity!

Here is a video from my favorite morning ritual site:

Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.

“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”

“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”

“If I could friend you TWICE, I would Jenn..You are Awesome on your videos.” Vic

Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn 500% commissions
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day!