Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why Empower Network?

I am pumped!  I just got back to Miami from San Diego. My husband Robert and I were at the “Fight the Forces of Evil” Empower Network convention.  It was powerful.  I am a stay at home mommy of 3 and my husband got fired from his job recently.  We made a decision to start a business together.  And after researching much, found Empower Network to be the best platform for us.  The main message is empowering people, helping others believe in themselves, getting out of the comfort zone, taking a leap of faith, getting over the mental blocks, getting in the creative zone, taking inspired action and never giving up.
why empower network
It’s a blogging system on an authority site which you can use to write about anything you want, or promote any business you want…and it helps drive traffic to your content.   The system is amazing for only $25/month… we started having results right away.  For people who want to increase their income, they also have an affiliate program where you can earn 100% commissions on each product that you purchase. If you blog daily and add content to your blog regularly, and promote your link, the selling is done for you. (I have a personal blog which I just copy and paste to for more traffic and visibility). The products are information products on marketing, mindset training, spiritual, subconscious and leadership training.  What I love about it and why I believe it is changing our lives so fast is because we were looking for something where we could be ourselves and I could use my gift of encouragement to help others.  The people are real… in flip flops and tank tops lol… and genuinely heart-centered, purpose-driven community.  The founders of the company have the same affilitate system as the members, we all have the same unlimited income potential. They have stories like ours… homeless, struggled with addiction, and broke free.  They encourage everyone to be authentic and share your story to help others.  I really believe that’s why there are so many success stories so fast.  My husband has doubled his income with just a few hours work daily (and never plans on getting a job again).  I have my husband back and my kids have their daddy back… this is priceless.  I am grateful and enjoying life so much more.  So excited about where we are and where we are heading!!  We will be helping hundreds and thousands of people to overcome the doubts and fears and mental blocks that keep us stuck and releasing their inner “badass”.  The next event is in Austin, TX Jan.18.  I want you to join my team and make a decision to be at that event.  Because I KNOW what it could do for you if you just let it.  Get in and follow the plan!  Massive action will bring you massive results by Christmas.  I believe in you!
Join Our Team for even more support and training on helping you build a 6 figure business from home below!
 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this is R who you befriended yesterday. I really admire your site Are U Fearless. I have been with Empower Network for over a month now and have only posted five blogs and then fear invaded my being and I lost the ability to write. Old childhood memories of feeling inadequate left me paralyzed and though I am a very positive person fear got the best of me. This morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
Please share with your friends if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

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