Saturday, September 29, 2012

State of Consciousness: Rich or Poor?

“Action, although necessary, is only a secondary factor in manifesting our external reality. Our state of consciousness creates our world.” Eckhart Tolle. 
If you take massive action but still in state of doubt, lack, worry, fear vs take massive inspired action in faith and love and service and enthusiasm… each a different state of consciousness, different beliefs, different results.  To onlookers “Release Your Inner Badass” might sound like an egomaniac convention… but the purpose of Empower Network and it’s products and events is to empower the people to see that everyone has the opportunity to make a decision and believe that something that once may have seemed impossible, situations with seemingly no way out, are temporary.  The power comes from a shift in consciousness.  A new level of belief.  As Jesus would say, “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” Mark 11:24.  When you know this to be true and truly believe and apply it, nothing is impossible.  So, to release your “inner badass” is really to “get it”… that nothing is impossible for you if you believe.  To see people gathered together, cheering each other on, not in competition with each other, but in competition with themselves… “the forces of evil”…the stories that have been playing in our heads for way too long that held us back from breaking through and allowing the creative forces to take over… it’s just so empowering!  I love being a part of this movement.  Faith without works is dead… You must take action! However, massive action taken in “sin” or “ego” won’t take you far.  I love that everyone in Empower Network is encouraged to be genuine, and the ones who “make it” are succeeding because they are helping others succeed…. loving one another… that’s the state of consciousness in which we serve each other, offer solutions, encourage each other, show appreciation for all of our blessings and the money comes as a byproduct of the value we give to others.  

Being rich truly is a state of consciousness… as is poverty.

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 Thanks for all this overwhelmingly AWESOME feedback, I love you!
“Hi Jennifer, this morning after reading my affirmations and some of your posts I was inspired to write again. I just want to say thank you for coming into my life at a time where I really needed it. I read a lot of positive posts but your captured and inspired me to take control of my life again and become the successful person that I know I am. So thank you again Jennifer!”
“THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys pulled me out of a rut. I was goin through some shit for the past few days. I thank you for being there. Thank you.”.
“You constantly inspire me! Your upbeat messages keep me in check and I appreciate you.”
“Thanks so much for you love & support… I couldn’t of got to this day with-out you.”
Please tweet or google+  if you received any value! :)  Thanks!!

Fearless Jenny

Love & Courage,

Fearless Jenny <==click to connect on Facebook

PS: Learn how to earn $500
daily with this simple system here!
PPS: Enjoy your day! 

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